Saskatchewan And Its People 1924

Surname Given name On the Biographical Webpage of:
Wakeling Mr. Corbet L. Dune
Wales Carol Peter McLellan, Jr.
Walker Catherine Davis Scott Walker
Walker Davis Scott Davis Scott Walker
Walker Eleanor Hathaway Thomas Willoughby Walker, M.D.
Walker Ellen John Ogilvie Hettle
Walker Jean Mathewson Thomas Willoughby Walker, M.D.
Walker Laura J. Davis Scott Walker
Walker Mary Levi Thomson
Walker Mary Sidney G. Moore
Walker Nora Catherine Davis Scott Walker
Walker Robert Thomas Willoughby Walker, M.D.
Walker Ruth McMurdo Davis Scott Walker
Walker Thomas Willoughby Thomas Willoughby Walker, M.D.
Walker William Davis Scott Walker
Wallace Amanda Jean Peter McAra
Wallace Douglas Gregory Rev. Henry Wallace
Wallace Elizabeth Rev. Henry Wallace
Wallace George William Leslie Wallace
Wallace George B. William Leslie Wallace
Wallace Henry Rev. Henry Wallace
Wallace J.S. William Leslie Wallace
Wallace Jack William Leslie Wallace
Wallace Jane William Leslie Wallace
Wallace Jean William Leslie Wallace
Wallace Jessie Rev. Henry Wallace
Wallace John, Rev. Colonel Norman Gentles
Wallace Margaret Colonel Norman Gentles
Wallace Mildred William Leslie Wallace
Wallace Norma Malcolm Ross Bow, B.A,. M.D.,C.M., D.P.H.
Wallace Norman Gregory Rev. Henry Wallace
Wallace Thomas Rev. Henry Wallace
Wallace W.L. Peter McAra
Wallace William Leslie William Leslie Wallace
Wallis Ada M. Ernest Henderson
Wallwork Lucile Harry J. Quane
Walters Elizabeth Maitland Barkwell
Walters Margaret John Watt Hope
Ward Mrs. John Macklem
Warneford Frances Henrietta Arthur Edward Burgett
Warren John G., M.D. John G. Warren, M.D.
Warren Robert John G. Warren, M.D.
Warren Sarah John G. Warren, M.D.
Warren Theodora John G. Warren, M.D.
Watchler Benjamin D. Benjamin D. Watchler
Watchler Dora Benjamin D. Watchler
Watchler Richard Benjamin Benjamin D. Watchler
Watchler Rudolph Benjamin D. Watchler
Watchler Ruth Lucile Benjamin D. Watchler
Watchler Willard James Benjamin D. Watchler
Watkins W.B. John Fletcher Leopold Embury
Watson Ann Jane Jacob W. Smith
Watson Annie Charles J. Watson
Watson Bruce Charles J. Watson
Watson Charles J. Charles J. Watson
Watson Elizabeth James J Wilson
Watson Hattie Charles J. Watson
Watson Jerry Charles J. Watson
Watson Margaret Walter Davy Cowan, D.D.S.
Watson Mary Walter B. Crawley
Watson Norman Charles J. Watson
Watson Richard Edwin Williams
Watson Robert Charles J. Watson
Watson William John Hawkes
Watson William John Hawkes
Weaver Elsie Jason Bradwell
Weaver F. Jason Bradwell
Weaver Fanny Jason Bradwell
Weaver Jessie Jason Bradwell
Webb Arthur Stuart Ernest Frank Webb
Webb Emily Amelia Ernest Frank Webb
Webb Emma Sydney H. Webb
Webb Ernest Frank Ernest Frank Webb
Webb Frank Ernest, Jr Ernest Frank Webb
Webb G.C. Robert M. Pinder
Webb George George C. Webb
Webb George C. George C. Webb
Webb James R. Rev. Sydney H. Webb
Webb Mabel George C. Webb
Webb Mary George C. Webb
Webb Monica Ernest Frank Webb
Webb Monica Mary Ernest Frank Webb
Webb Sydney H. Sydney H. Webb
Webb William Ernest Frank Webb
Webb Winnifred Grace Ernest Frank Webb
Webber Margaret Edward A. Shaw, M.D.
Webster Stella Maude William Ross MacKenzie
Weeks E.S.,Rev. Ernest Edward Poole
Weeks Mary E. Ernest Edward Poole
Weicker Aylmer Charles Henry Weicker, D.D.S
Weicker Barbara Charles Henry Weicker, D.D.S
Weicker Charles Henry Charles Henry Weicker, D.D.S
Weicker Charles Merle Charles Henry Weicker, D.D.S
Weicker Donald Samuel Charles Henry Weicker, D.D.S
Weicker Elsie Charles Henry Weicker, D.D.S
Weicker Fred Charles Henry Weicker, D.D.S
Weicker Morris Charles Henry Weicker, D.D.S
Weicker Willis Charles Henry Weicker, D.D.S
Weir Elizabeth Elizabeth Weir
Weir Jane Robert Smith
Weir John Mathew M. Morrison
Weir Margaret Elizabeth Weir
Weir Margaret Mathew M. Morrison
Weir Mary Robert J. McEwen,M.D.
Weir Richard Elizabeth Weir
Weir Susan Hugh MacLean, M.D.
Weir Susan Mathew M. Morrison
Wernicke Cecile Colonel Norman Gentles
West Annie Frederick Joseph Pilkington
Westgate Christina Robert J. Westgate
Westgate Frederick Gordon Robert J. Westgate
Westgate James Allan Robert J. Westgate
Westgate Jarvis Robert J. Westgate
Westgate Marion Robert J. Westgate
Westgate Mary Robert J. Westgate
Westgate Robert J. Robert J. Westgate
Westgate Robert Owen Robert J. Westgate
Westlake Francis Edgar C. Rossie
Westlake Lucy Jane Edgar C. Rossie
Westman J.A. James Edward Armstrong
Weston Adelaide Ambrose C. Froom
Wetherwell Labernia C. William F. Eddy
Wetmore Chief Justice Alexander Gray Farrell, M.D.
Whalen Helen Henry Herbert Kohlman
Wheat Emma Francis G. Wheat
Wheat Francis G. Francis G. Wheat
Wheat Gordon Francis G. Wheat
Wheat James Francis G. Wheat
Wheat James M., Rev. Francis G. Wheat
Wheat Lillian Rose Francis G. Wheat
Whebell Jose William Frederick Whebell
Whebell Catherine Ellen William Frederick Whebell
Whebell Frederick John William Frederick Whebell
Whebell Mary William Frederick Whebell
Whebell William Frederick William Frederick Whebell
White Alice A. William A. White
White E.T. Mrs. Thomas Edwin Perrett (Colonel Perrett.)
White Harold Albert William A. White
White Helen Emily Arthur Murray Panton, K.C.
White John William A. White
White John McFarlan William A. White
White Julia William A. White
White Katheleen Ruth William A. White
White William A. William A. White
Whiteford Augustus Major Francis J. Demers
Whiteford Edgar Major Francis J. Demers
Whiteford Mary Esther Major Francis J. Demers
Whitehead Caroline William H.N. Whitehead
Whitehead Cornelia Roosmale William H.N. Whitehead
Whitehead William William H.N. Whitehead
Whitehead William H.N. William H.N. Whitehead
Whitely Ethel Francis Joseph Ellis M.D.
Whitlock Edward George H. Whitlock
Whitlock Elizabeth George H. Whitlock
Whitlock Ella Maude George H. Whitlock
Whitlock George H. George H. Whitlock
Whitlock Henry George H. Whitlock
Whitman Ardellis O. Ardellis O. Whitman
Whitman Emma Ardellis O. Whitman
Whitman Gene Ardellis O. Whitman
Whitman Ivie Ardellis O. Whitman
Whitman Orman Ardellis O. Whitman
Whitman William Ardellis O. Whitman
Wickens Alex John Alfred John Wickens
Wickens Alfred John Alfred John Wickens
Wickens Edna Alfred John Wickens
Wickens Edward Donald Alfred John Wickens
Wickens Ellen Grace Alfred John Wickens
Wickens Ethel Mary Alfred John Wickens
Wickens Harold P. Alfred John Wickens
Wickens Helen Mary Alfred John Wickens
Wickens John Lewis Alfred John Wickens
Wickens Mary Ann Alfred John Wickens
Wickens Sarah Grace Alfred John Wickens
Wickware James W. James W. Wickware
Wickware Jehiel B. James W. Wickware
Wickware Jessie James W. Wickware
Wickware Letta James W. Wickware
Wickware Vera James W. Wickware
Wigmore Henrietta Francis G. McGill, M.D.
Wilde Hannah Captain Augustus H. Ball M.A. L.L.B.
Wilford E.N., Colonel, R.A. Ernest Edward Poole
Wilford Lieutenant Colonel Ernest Edward Poole
Wilford Major Ernest Edward Poole
Wilhelm Katherine Rev. Henry Boening
Wilkinson Gertrude Martin B. Wilkinson
Wilkinson Martin B. Martin B. Wilkinson
Wilkinson Martin D. Martin B. Wilkinson
Wilkinson Maude L. Martin B. Wilkinson
Wilkinson Ruth A. Martin B. Wilkinson
Wilkinson William D. Martin B. Wilkinson
Wilkinson William John Martin B. Wilkinson
Willey Christina, Mrs. Mrs. Christina Willey
Willey Thomas Burness Mrs. Christina Willey
Williams Dora A. John Fletcher Leopold Embury
Williams Edwin Edwin Williams
Williams Edwin S. Ashton Dewart Cecil Carrothers
Williams Jean Ernest Edward Poole
Williams Miss Cora G. Edwin Williams
Williams Sophia Edwin Williams
Williamson Alice Victoria Philip P. Ellis
Williamson Phoebe Jane Walter Palmer Johnson
Williamson Robert R. Walter Palmer Johnson
Williamson Mr. Angus Mackay
Willis Annie Robert Milton Treen
Willmott Marian Robert J. McEwen,M.D.
Willoughby Charles Charles Willoughby
Willoughby Charles William H. Duncan
Willoughby Eleanor E. Charles Willoughby
Willoughby Elizabeth Richard N. Kelly
Willoughby Ellen Charles Willoughby
Willoughby Isabelle Charles Willoughby
Willoughby M. Charles Willoughby
Willoughby Mary Ellen Charles Willoughby
Willoughby W.B. Henry Davison Pickett
Willoughby W.B. Netson R. Craig
Willoughby William Charles Willoughby
Willox Elizabeth Morrison Fred B., M.A., L.L.B.
Wilson Agnes Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson Angus K. Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson Bertha Evelyn M.A. Wilson
Wilson Captain Charles Willoughby
Wilson Charles J. Robert J. Reid
Wilson Christina Lorne J.D. Fasken
Wilson Clarice James J Wilson
Wilson Colonel James Captain R. Deacon
Wilson Eleanor E. Charles Willoughby
Wilson Elizabeth James J Wilson
Wilson Elizabeth James J Wilson
Wilson Emily S. John Ross MacDonald
Wilson Gilbert, Dr. Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson H. G. W. Charles Edward Bothwell
Wilson Isabella M.A. Wilson
Wilson Isabelle Ferne M.A. Wilson
Wilson J.D. M.A. Wilson
Wilson James James J Wilson
Wilson James Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson James J James J Wilson
Wilson Jessie King Lieutenant Colonel John McAughey, O.B.E.
Wilson Johan Captain R. Deacon
Wilson Keith D. Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson Laura Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson M.A. M.A. Wilson
Wilson Marjorie Lenore M.A. Wilson
Wilson Norman E. Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson R.J., Dr. Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson Ruth W.R. Francis
Wilson Stuart James J Wilson
Wilson Thomas A. Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson W.G., Dr. Thomas A. Wilson
Wilson William Thomas A. Wilson
Windsor Elizabeth Stephen Windsor
Windsor Francis Stephen Windsor
Windsor Jane Stephen Windsor
Windsor Stephen Stephen Windsor
Winter Sarah Louise James M. Duncan
Witherspoon Jean William A. Thomson, M.D.
Witpen Catherine Frederick Taylor
Wolseley General Captain R. Deacon
Wood Benjamin L. Jack Wood
Wood Cordelia Jack Wood
Wood Emma Sydney H. Webb
Wood Jack Jack Wood
Wood Jack, Jr. Jack Wood
Wood Judge Robert E. Turnbull
Wood Marjorie Jack Wood
Wood Mary Jack Wood
Woods G.B., Mrs. James Clinkskill
Woods Jack William L. McQuarrie
Woodward Sarah Alexander Wallace Hutchinson
Woolhouse Elizabeth John Bellamy
Woolley Mary Jane Joseph Edward Rymal
Woolman Alice William J. McCauley
Woolsey Mary Jane Joseph W. Heartwell
Workman May Harold Gordon Craig, M.D., C.M.
Wray G. Garfield William L. McQuarrie
Wright A.D. James A. Wright
Wright Agnes George J. Wright
Wright Alexena Fred W. Wright
Wright Alexena Fred W. Wright
Wright Ann James Gordon Wright, M.D.
Wright Anna J. George J. Wright
Wright Archibald James A. Wright
Wright Archibald Oliver Johnstone
Wright Ashford James A. Wright
Wright Charles James Gordon Wright, M.D.
Wright Charles P. George J. Wright
Wright Charles S. James A. Wright
Wright Elizabeth Fred W. Wright
Wright Elizabeth James A. Wright
Wright Emily Fred W. Wright
Wright Fred R. Fred W. Wright
Wright Fred W. Fred W. Wright
Wright George J. George J. Wright
Wright Hiram E. James Gordon Wright, M.D.
Wright James A. James A. Wright
Wright James Gordon James Gordon Wright, M.D.
Wright Jane James Gordon Wright, M.D.
Wright Janet James Gordon Wright, M.D.
Wright Margaret Ellen James A. Wright
Wright Phoebe Ann David Kearns
Wright Robert Fred W. Wright
Wright Ruth James Gordon Wright, M.D.
Wynn Isabella Jane George Getty
Wynn John George Getty

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