Dr. John G. Warren, physician and surgeon, with an extensive prac-
tice that makes heavy demands upon his time and energies, has neverthe-
less found opportunity for co-operation in public affairs of moment and
his efforts in various directions have been highly beneficial as factors in
tbose lines of work leading to a general uplift and to the inculcation of
higher ideals of life. He is now serving his third term as mayor of Can-
ora. He was born in Montreal, Quebec, on the 1st of September, 1880, a
son of Robert and Sarah (Gaffney) Warren, the former of whom engaged
in the conduct of a mercantile establishment in Montreal until his death.
Mrs. Warren is residing in the old home.
In the pursuit of his early education John G. Warren attended the
public schools of his birthplace and in 1903 was graduated from the Uni-
versity of McGill. In that same year he went to the United States and
practiced in North Dakota for eight years.. In 1911 he came to Canora
and has since resided here. His practice has grown until it is now large
and lucrative, the number of his patients steadily increasing as he has
demonstrated his skill and ability in the line of his chosen vocation.
In 1909 Dr. Warren was married to Miss Theodora Brooks, a native
of North Dakota, and to their union one child has been born. Dr. War-
ren has always maintained an active interest in civic affairs and has
served on the town council for many years. In 1921 he was elected to the
office of mayor and is giving to this community a progressive and pros-
perous administration. The religious faith of the Doctor is that of the
Roman Catholic church and he is an active member of the Knights of Co-
lumbus. He is likewise connected with the Commercial Club.
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