Martin B. Wilkinson, Sheriff of Regina district and veteran of the
Great war, has made his home in the Saskatchewan capital ever since he
was assigned to duty here as a member of the North West Mounted Police
in 1900. Born in England, in 1877, the ~son of the late William John and
Gertrude (Bell) Wilkinson, he spent the first sixteen years of his life
near the city of London. His father, who died in 1916, was a solicitor by
profession, inheriting the calling from his father, whose business he con-
tinued. The mother still makes her home in England. The family was
affiliated with the Church of England and the father was a Liberal in
his political views. Martin was the fifth child of a family of seven, six
of whom are living. As a boy he was sent to public and private schools
until he was sixteen, at which youthful age he left home to make his own
way in the world.
Attracted, no doubt, by the stories he had heard of life in the Ca-
nadian west and of the opportunities for adventuresome careers in the
New World, Martin B. Wilkinson decided to come out to Canada and
accordingly crossed the Atlantic to Toronto. For about a year after
reaching the Dominion the lad worked on a farm near Bowmanville, On-
tario, following which he spent three years in railway construction work.
After this experience he returned home to England, but the next year
found him on his way back to Canada, where he joined the North West
Mounted Police He was sent to Regina for duty and remained in this
city as a member of this famous organization for seven years-from 1900
to 1907. In 1909 he was made deputy sheriff for the Regina district,
having previously been associated with Sheriff Duncan for about a year.
He continued in the office of deputy sheriff until 1916, when he left that
post to enlist in the army for service in the Great war. Upon his dis-
charge from the army he resumed the duties of deputy sheriff and re-
mained in that office until he was appointed sheriff in 1922.
Mr. Wilkinson has an honorable military record that shows a consid-
erable period of active duty overseas. Enlisting in the Canadian army
in 1916, he passed through the preliminary training in this country and
was sent abroad in April of 1917. In France, where he was stationed for
three months, he saw active fighting and was so seriously wounded that
he was in military hospitals from May to September of 1918. In October
of that year he was returned to Canada, where he received an honorable
discharge from the army. Mr. Wilkinson entered the service as a private
in the Second Canadian Division and was subsequently assigned to the
Twenty-eighth Battalion, retaining the rank of private throughout his
military career.
In 1911 Mr. Wilkinson was married to Miss Maude L. Lindley, who
was born and educated in Des Moines, Iowa. They have become the
parents of three children: Ruth A., born in August, 1915, who is now
attending school; and twin boys, Martin D. and William D., who were
born in July, 1917. The family attend the Anglican church, of which
Mr. Wilkinson is a communicant. He is a Mason, having taken degrees
in the lodge and the chapter, and he belongs to the Regina Boat Club.
Boating has always been one of his favorite sports, but he likes other
pastimes that take him out-of-doors and is partial to shooting and hunt-
ing. Whatever measure of success has been his has been won by dint
of his own unaided efforts, for Mr. Wilkinson has been dependent entirely
upon his own resources since he was a lad of sixteen and has in addition
made his way in a new country, far away from family and friends. He
has proven himself an efficient and trustworthy public servant, a brave
soldier and a loyal citizen, and possesses those traits of character that
endear a man to his family and friends.
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