One of the younger business men of Regina who has given an excel- lent account of himself in the dozen or more years he has been connected with the commercial life of the city, is Harry J. Quane, manager of the Regina branch of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company. He was born in St. Peter, Minnesota, in 1887, son of the late Patrick and Nora (Gavin) Quane. His father was born in Dublin and came to the United States in early life, while Nora Gavin was born near Rochester, Minne- sota, and was married to Mr. Quane in her native state. A machinist by occupation, the father operated a large foundry in St. Peter until his death. His widow now makes her home in California. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quane were parents of five children, of whom all but one are living, Harry J. being the second in order of birth. They were reared in the faith of the Roman Catholic church, of which the parents were de- vout members. Patrick Quane was a Democrat in his political views. After graduating from the high school at St. Peter, Harry J. Quane took a preparatory course in Gustavus Adolphus College at that place before entering the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. He left the university after eighteen months of study and accepted a position with the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company. From 1907 to 1910 he was employed in the Minneapolis office, coming from there to the Regina branch as cashier and salesman. He was promoted to the post of man- ager of the Regina branch in 1917. In connection with his work Mr. Quane belongs to the Wholesale Implement Dealers Association, the Regina Board of Trade and the United Commercial Travelers Association. He has always worked for the same concern, advancing steadily from a subordinate position to one of great responsibility and trust. Not only is he thoroughly familiar with the work of his firm, but he has also made an exhaustive study of trade conditions and agricultural needs in Western Canada, so that he is always prepared to meet the demands of his buying public. In June of 1919 Mr. Quane was married to Miss Lucile Wallwork and they have become the parents of a daughter: Nona Marie. Mrs. Quane was born in Brampton, Ontario, and educated in an eastern Canada high school and business college. She and her husband are both mem- bers of the Holy Rosary parish of the Roman Catholic church of this city and Mr. Quane is a Knight of Columbus. For recreation he enjoys a game of golf and he likes to hunt and shoot. He belongs to the Wascana Country Club, where he has made many friends since coming to this city. Mr. Quane is an enterprising young business man, alert to his opportuni- ties and progressive in his ideas. He has made an excellent record with the Case company and has every prospect of a long and highly successful business career. Bibliography follows:

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