One of the foremost physicians and surgeons of Saskatoon is Dr. Robert J. McEwen, who maintains well appointed offices in the Canadian Pacific Railroad building. He was born in Halton county, Ontario, on the 26th of March, 1882, a son of Donald and Mary (Weir) McEwen, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of Ontario. In his boyhood the father came to Canada, being accompanied by his parents, and upon reaching man's estate he engaged in farming in Halton county, living on that land for many years and winning success as an agriculturist. His death occurred in April, 1915. Mrs. McEwen survives her husband. In the pursuit of his education Robert J. McEwen attended the public schools of Halton county and subsequently enrolled in the Guelph Collegi- ate Institute. His boyhood ambition was to become a physician and surgeon and upon the completion of his literary education he became a stu- dent in the medical department of Toronto University, and was gradu- ated from that institution with the class of 1909. Dr. McEwen then spent a year in postgraduate work in Guelph and New York. In the year 1910 he came to Saskatoon and was enjoying an extensive practice here at the time of the outbreak of the Great war. In 1914 he enlisted in the service of his country and in December of that year was sent to France, where he was attached to No.2, Canadian Stationary Hospital. He went over- seas with the rank of captain and subsequently was promoted to the rank of major, receiving his honorable discharge in March, 1919. Dr. Mc- Ewen received the Mons Medal and Order of the British Empire and was frequently mentioned in despatches from General Haig for his gallant and distinguished services in the field. After receiving his discharge the Doctor returned to Saskatoon and resumed his practice. He acquired much valuable experience during the war and is readily conceded a place among the foremost practitioners of the city and district. In August of the year 1913 Dr. McEwen was married to Miss Helen Taylor, a daughter of Samuel and Marian (Willmott) Taylor, the former a native of Walkerton, Ontario, and the latter of Milton, that province. Mrs. McEwen was born in Walkerton. For many years her father was a shoe manufacturer at Walkerton, but he is now living retired from active life. Dr. and Mrs. McEwen have become parents of two children: Marian Elizabeth, born in London, England, in August, 1915; and Kath- leen, born on the 10th of February, 1923, in Saskatoon. Mrs. McEwen is a woman of charming personality and she maintains an active interest in the club and social affairs of this city. The political endorsement of the Doctor is given to the Liberal party and he maintains an active interest in party affairs. He is essentially public-spirited and no movement for the benefit of the community seeks his aid in vain. His religious faith is manifest in his membership in the Presbyterian church. Along strictly professional lines Dr. McEwen holds membership in the Canadian Medical Association, the Saskatche- wan Medical Association and the Saskatoon Academy of Medicine. He is coroner of Saskatchewan. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, holding membership in Saskatchewan Lodge, No.16. Socially he is con- nected with the Saskatoon Club, the Canadian Club and the Saskatoon Golf Club. He is also a member of the Riverside Country Club. The Doctor possesses a genial and pleasing personality and his friends are legion. He is sincerely devoted to his profession and gives the same con- scientious service to rich and poor alike. Bibliography follows:

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