An energetic citizen of Prince Albert is Robert Milton Treen, agent of Dominion lands with offices in the Post Office building. He was born on the 18th of December, 1883, in East Wallace, Cumberland county, Nova Scotia, a son of Robert T. and Lillis (Tully) Treen, natives of Nova Scotia. In early life the father learned the blacksmith's trade and has since followed it with substantial success. For a number of years he conducted a shop in Nova Scotia and in 1891 removed to Moose Jaw, where he resided until the fall of 1892. At that time he came to Prince Albert, driving overland with a team composed of an ox and a horse. He opened a blacksmith shop here, which he conducted until recent years, when he retired from active life. When about nine years of age Robert Milton Treen came to Prince Albert with his parents and here received his education. He graduated with a second-class certificate from the Normal School at Regina in the class of 1902 and then engaged in teaching school until 1912. In that year he became a member of the staff of the Dominion Land Office, and starting as junior clerk, worked his way rapidly upward until in 1917 he was appointed agent of the Dominion Land Office. He is the right man for the place, for he is thoroughly familiar with the many phases of work conducted by the office and the success he enjoys is well merited. On the 22d of June, 1911, Mr. Treen was married to Miss Annie Willis and to their union four children have been born; Jeanne, who was born on the 20th of September, 1912; Earle; born on the 23d of January, 1915; Lindsay, born on the 27th of October, i917; and Ruth, born on the 18th of July, 1920. Fraternally Mr. Treen is identified with the Knights of Pythias, the Loyal Orange Association and the Ancient Order of Canadian Foresters. His religious faith is that of the Methodist church, in which he is record- ing steward. He has ~ways been actively interested in boys' work in the church and teaches a class of boys in the Sunday school. Mr. Treen has shown himself to be a man of resourceful ability and his unabating energy and keen discrimination have gained for him success, while his straightforward dealing has made his career a most honorable one. Bibliography follows:

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