Sydney H. Webb is a man of enterprise and marked force of character.
He is official auditor and associated member of the United Accountants
of Canada and maintains well appointed offices in the Drinkle building.
He was born in Cardiff, Wales, of Irish and Welsh parentage. His
birth occurred on the 3d of September, 1865, and his parents were Rev.
James R. and Emma (Wood) Webb, the former a native of Cornwall
and the latter of Wales. His death occurred in 1876 and his widow sur-
vived him until 1915.
In the pursuit of his education Sydney H. Webb attended the private
schools of Bath, England, and after putting his textbooks aside engaged
in office work. In 1886 he came to Canada and located in Winnipeg,
where he continued in office work, as a bookkeeper, until 1905. In that
year he accepted a position with Ronald Riggs & Company, chartered
accountants, that firm having its headquarters in Winnipeg and other
offices in the principal cities throughout the west. For ten years he was
in charge of the Saskatoon office. In November of the year 1922 he de-
termined to engage in accounting for himself and subsequently estab-
lished offices in the Drinkle building. He has won deserved success and
is highly esteemed by all who know him.
In his political views Mr. Webb is independent, giving his support
to the man he thinks best fitted for the office without regard to party
principles. Although the greater part of this busy accountant's time
and attention is given to his work, he is essentially public-spirited and is
never too busy to lend his cooperation in the furtherance of any movement
for the benefit of the community at large. His religious faith is that of
the Anglican church. Mr. Webb is vice president of the local branch of
the Red Cross Association and is treasurer of the Saskatoon branch of
the Navy League. He is secretary-treasurer of the Saskatoon Lawn Ten-
nis Club, is president of the United Accountants & Auditors Association
of Canada, and a member of the Saskatoon Club and the Kiwanis Club.
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