Dr. Frances G. McGill, Provincial Pathologist in the Department of
Public Health, Regina, comes from a family possessed of a strong pre-
dilection for the medical profession, for in a family of two sons and two
daughters there are two physicians and a graduate nurse. The oldest one
in the family of Edward and Henrietta (Wigmore) McGill. Herbert is a
business man of Brandon, Manitoba; Harold is a physician of Calgary;
Frances G., of this review, a physician and Provincial Pathologist in the
Saskatchewan government; and Margaret, a graduate nurse in the Depart-
ment of Education, Regina. The father was the first Reeve of the Mu-
nicipality in which he resided, which position he held until his death.
Frances G. McGill was educated in the high school in Minnedosa,
Manitoba, following which she taught school a year or two before entering
the University of Manitoba to study for the medical profession. She
graduated with the Doctor of Medicine degree in the class of 1915, taking
the gold medal for having the highest scholastic average, and the Dean's
prize for general proficiency during the entire course, as well as a prize
for surgical history. The first year after her graduation she spent as an
interne in the Winnipeg General Hospital, following which she was asso-
ciated with Doctor Gordon Bell, professor of bacteriology and pathology,
under whom she studied for two years. It was in the month of August,
1918, that Dr. McGill was engaged by the Saskatchewan government as
Bacteriologist in the Provincial Laboratory, and later on was promoted to
the position of Pathologist in charge of the Provincial Laboratory, where
she has filled the position to the satisfaction of her colleagues in her pro-
fession and the heads of the Department of Public Health. Dr. McGill is
an Anglican in her religious faith. She belongs to the Regina Golf Club,
Ladies' University Club and the Order of the Eastern Star. A student by
nature, she follows closely the literature of her profession that has a
direct or remote bearing on her work.
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