One of the most important official positions is that of Chief of the Fire Department and William A. White has held that office in Regina since January of the year 1900. He has brought the local fire department to a highly improved condition and merits the confidence and esteem accorded him by his fellowmen. He was born in Hillsburgh, Ontario, in January, 1866, a son of John and Julia (Briggs) White, the former a native of Dublin, Ireland, and the latter of Ontario. Mr. White came to Canada when a young man and located in Ontario. He was in the mercantile business for the greater part of his life, in which he gained a substantial competence. To Mr. and Mrs. White six children were born, four sons and two daughters, five of whom are living, William A., of this review, being the eldest. Mr. and Mrs. White removed to Saskatchewan in 1910 or 1911 and resided there the remainder of their lives. Mr. White was a stanch supporter of the Liberal party. The public schools of Thombury, Ontario, afforded William A. White his early education and his first work after putting his textbooks aside was in his father's mercantile store. In August of the year 1895 he came to Regina and clerked for Hugh Armour for a time. Subsequently he bought out Mr. Armour and operated the store with great success until 1906, when he sold it in order to devote his entire time and attention to his duties as the chief of the local fire department. He became chief of the volunteer fire department while conducting his store and has since held that office and has built up the department until today it com- pares favorably with any department of like size in the Dominion. He has under his supervision some fifty-two officers and firemen and there are four fire stations. He devotes his entire time and attention to the duties devolving upon him and has won the confidence and esteem of all. For some time prior to coming to this province Mr. White was connected with a fire department in Ontario. In 1905 Mr. White was married to Miss Alice R. McFarlan, whose birth occurred in Mount Forest, Ontario. To them three children have been born: John McFarlan and Katheleen Ruth, who are attending school; and Harold Albert, three years of age. The religious faith of Mr. White is that of the Methodist church. He is a member of the Dominion Fire Chiefs Association and the International Association of Fire Engineers and was president of the Western Fire Association at one time. This western association included the provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba, but they are now amalgamated in the Dominion. For recrea- tion Mr. White turns to the great outdoors and while a resident of On- tario he enjoyed boating and sailing. For two years he ran the Lacrosse Club in Regina. Bibliography follows:

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