Edwin S. Williams, junior partner of the legal firm of Carrothers & Williams of Regina, first came to western Canada in 1911, following his graduation from Osgoode Hall, where he prepared for the law. Born in Clinton, Ontario, he is the son of Richard Watson and Sophia (Bain) Williams, both parents being natives and lifelong residents of that prov- ince. His grandparents on both sides of the house were English by birth and came to Canada in early life. The father was a practicing physician in Allenford for more than a quarter of a century' and one of the city's prominent citizens. At one time he held the office of mayor and served his community in a number of other official capacities. Dr. Williams was a Methodist in religious faith, a Liberal in his political views and fraternally was affiliated with the Masonic order. Only two of seven children born to the Williams family are living: Miss Cora G. Williams of Cleveland, Ohio; and Edwin S., the subject of this review. Edwin S. Williams obtained his liberal education in the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute and the University of Toronto, which latter institu- tion granted him the Bachelor of Arts degree,, At Osgoode Hall he pre- pared for the legal profession, graduating with the Bachelor Qf. Laws degree as a member of the class of 1911. Shortly after completing the work at Osgoode Hall, the young man came to Regina to enter the law office of Ashton D. Carrothers, a rising young solicitor who took him into partnership, forming the firm of Carrothers & Williams, which now has its offices in the Westman Chambers. These two men conduct a gen- eral practice and have won the confidence of the entire community by their faithfulness and efficiency in their professional work. Fraternally Mr. Williams is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, while his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Metropolitan Methodist church. For recreation and diversion from his professional cares and responsibilities he turns to golf and during the season spends much of his leisure time on the links of the Regina Golf Club. He is also a member of the Assiniboia Club of Regina. His political allegiance is given to the Liberal party but he does not seek nor desire office, preferring to concentrate his undivided attention upon his profession, in which he is enjoying a good practice and one that is steadily increasing. Bibliography follows:

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