Benjamin D. Watchler has been connected with the Waterman, Wa-
terbury Manufacturing Company of Regina ever since he came to Sas-
katchewan in 1912 and has now risen to the important position of manager
of the concern. Born in Cottonwood county, Minnesota, United States,
on the 7th of January, 1887, he is the second of seven children in the
family of Rudolph and Dora (Schmidt) Watchler. His father is a native
of Le Sueur, Minnesota, and farmed in that state during the earlier part
of his life. He now resides in Tampa, Florida, where he is engaged in the
manufacture of brooms. He is a Mason, a Republican in his political
views and has held some of the county offices. A well-educated man, he
has always kept well informed on all topics of general interest, by wide
reading and is thoroughly progressive in his ideas. He and his wife
are both Baptists. Mrs. Watchler was born in Byron, Germany, and
went to the United States in early life, her marriage being celebrated in
After obtaining his early education in the country school at Mountain
Lake, Minnesota, Benjamin D. Watchler went to Mankato, where he
attended the high school for three years and took a commercial course
in a business college. For about a year after completing his education
the young man ran a hardware store for his father at Eagle Lake, Minne-
sota, following which he had charge of a department in a dry goods store
in Winona for four years and a half. He came to Regina in 1912 to
become a salesman for the Waterman, Waterbury Manufacturing Com-
pany. In this capacity he became completely familiar with the work of
his firm and the nature of the territory in which it distributes its prod-
ucts. Eventually he was advanced to the position of construction man-
ager and on the 1st of May, 1923, entered upon his new duties as general
manager of the entire concern. The company sells heaters, furnaces and
Waterbury sanitary caustic closets for rural homes and does a large
business throughout the province. In the past five years it has built
a thousand schoolhouses in Saskatchewan aside from all its other work.
Such a volume of business as this of course necessitates a large staff of
clerks and salesmen as well as builders, all of whom are under Mr.
Watchler's supervision. He is a capable manager and has already demon-
strated his ability to produce efficiency in every branch of the work.
On the 19th of June, 1913, Mr. Watchler and Miss Ruth Lucile Mun-
ger were married. Mrs. Watchler was born and educated in Winons,
Minnesota. Two children have been born to this union: Willard James,
aged eight; and Richard Benjamin, a little boy of five. Mr.
Watchler is superintendent of the Sunday school and a member of the board of the
First Baptist church, while his wife takes an active part in church work
as head of the girl's activities. In connection with his business interests -
and his part in the development of his adopted city, Mr. Watchler assists
with the work of the Rotary Club, to which he belongs. He plays golf,
shoots, and whenever he can take a vacation in a suitable season he goes
to the mountains for some mountain climbing. He is indeed fortunate in
being so near the magnificent Canadian Rockies, the most beautiful of
all the mountain regions of the western hemisphere, where the scenery
most closely resembles that of the famous Alps. As a member of the Al-
pine Club of Canada he is of course privileged to join its many excursions
to the mountains and frequently avails himself of this
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