George C. Webb, proprietor of the Public Drug Company of Saska- toon, is a business man of great energy and enterprise. A native of this province, his birth occurred at Regina on the 14th of September, 1891. His parents are George and Mary (McIntyre) Webb, the former a native of Owen Sound and the latter of Renfrew county, Ontario. For some years the father was engaged in business as a barber and subse- quently he took up ranching. He came to Saskatchewan by way of ox- teams prior to the outbreak of the Rebellion. He made a specialty of breeding and raising pure-blooded sheep, his ranch being located at South Regina. At one time he suffered a loss of four thousand head due to bad weather. He won out, however, becoming financially independent, and he is now living retired at New Westminster, British Columbia. In the pursuit of his education George C. Webb attended the public schools of Regina and in due time was graduated from the local high school. In 1910 he taught school for eight months. At the termination of that time he accepted a position in a drug store at Lumsden and re- mained there five years, then entered the University of Saskatchewan at Saskatoon for the study of pharmacy, graduating with the class of 1917. After his graduation he engaged in the drug business in partner- ship with R. M. Pinder, and together they bought out the Saskatoon Drug & Stationery Company. They were successful from the start and kept branching out until they had four stores at one time in Saskatoon and one in Yorkton. The partnership was maintained until 1920, when it was dissolved and Mr. Webb kept the Public Drug Company, which he has since operated on his own account. Mr. Webb has earned for himself an enviable reputation as a careful man of business and in his dealings is known for his prompt and honorable methods, which have won him the deserved and unbounded confidence of his fellowmen. He is one of the largest shareholders in the Saskatoon Brick Company, Limited, and is president of the company. For three years he and Mr. Pinder owned the local hockey team. In January, 1922, Mr. Webb was married to Miss Mabel Pollock of Saskatoon, a daughter of S. and Jane (Kyle) Pollock, pioneers of Saska- toon, who came here about the year 1900, from North Dakota, and the father engaged in farming in this province for years. He is now living here retired, enjoying the fruits of his. years of toil, a highly respected and esteemed citizen. Fraternally Mr. Webb is identified with the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows and he holds membership in the Canadian Club, the Riverside Country Club and the Saskatoon Golf Club. Hunting is his hobby and he is therefore an active member of the Saskatoon Gun Club. Politically he is independent, giving his support to the man best fitted for the office without regard to party principles, and he maintains an active interest in local affairs. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Webb reside on Lansdowne avenue. Bibliography follows:

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