Walter B. Crawley, district manager of the Great-West Life Assur- ance Company, with headquarters in the York building, Saskatoon, is numbered among the most substantial citizens of this city. He was born in London, England, on the 20th of August, 1873, a son of John and Mary (Watson) Crawley, likewise natives of that country. The father was an architect of prominence and followed that line of work until his death, on the 21st of September, 1881. Mrs. Crawley came to Canada in Oc- tober, 1903, with her children and lived in Winnipeg until 1914, when she returned to her home in England, where she is now living. The public schools of England afforded Walter B. Crawley his early education and after putting his textbooks aside he engaged in the general insurance business in England until 1903, when he came to Canada and located in Montreal, where he was associated with the Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Company for three years. At the termination of that time he went to Winnipeg and for a like period was associated with the Monarch Life Insurance Company. In 1909 he entered the employ of the Great-West Life Insurance Company and in 1913 was made manager of its Saskatoon office. He has since been active in this important posi- tion and is readily conceded to be one of the representative insurance men of the city and district. He has worked his way up from the very bottom of the business and there is no phase of it with which he is not thoroughly familiar. On the 2d of September, 1907, Mr. Crawley was married to Miss Edith May Palmer and they have one child: Walter Gregory, whose birth oc- curred on the 6th of October, 1911. Mrs. Crawley is a woman of much culture and refinement and she is prominent in church work and the social circles of this city. Mr. Crawley's religious faith is that of the Catholic church. Fra- ternally he is identified with the Knights of Columbus and is past grand knight of the local order. Along strictly business lines he holds member- ship in the Life Underwriters Association of Canada and socially is identified with the Canadian Club and the Riverside Country Club. He is serving his third term as president of the Children's Aid Society of Saskatoon. He is a man of genial and pleasing personality and he has hosts of friends in this community. Bibliography follows:

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