As the result of innate business ability and close application to the
thing at hand, Robert M. Pinder has achieved success as a business man,
and as proprietor of the Saskatoon Drug & Stationery Company he has
one of the largest and most representative enterprises of the kind in the
city and province. He was born at North Toronto, on the 14th of Decem-
ber, 1890, a son of Abraham and Polly (Savage) Pinder, natives of
Yorkshire, England, who came to Canada from their native land in 1878
and located in Toronto, when that present metropolis was but a small
city. For many years the father engaged in farming and contracting in
Toronto and in 1912 came to Saskatoon, where he has since devoted his
entire time and attention to contracting. He is one of the successful
business men of this city and has the confidence and esteem of all who
know him. He is sixty-nine years of age. Mrs. Pinder is also living.
Robert M. Pinder received his education in Elgin, Manitoba, and
subsequently enrolled for a course in pharmacy in the Pharmacy College,
Winnipeg, which institution was affiliated with the university, and he was
graduated in the spring of 1913. He immediately sought employment
along the line of his training and worked in various drug stores in Mani-
toba until 1914, when he came to Saskatoon. He entered the employ of
the Saskatoon Drug & Stationery Company and subsequently, because
of his ability and ambition, was made manager of the No.3 store. Dur-
ing the year 1914 Mr. Pinder engaged in the drug business on his own
account and was so successful in the venture that the following year he
purchased an interest in the Saskatoon Drug & Stationery Company. He
again became manager of the store and in 1917 took as a partner G. C.
Webb, and together they bought out the interests of the Saskatoon Drug
& Stationery Company, which consisted of two stores. In 1918 they
opened the Public Drug Store and subsequently opened a store at York-
ton, and continued in partnership until 1920, when the firm dissolved
and Mr. Pinder kept the Saskatoon Drug & Stationary Store, while Mr.
Webb retained the Public Drug Company. Mr. Pinder has one of the
finest drug stores in the west, for it has the most modern equipment and
he has built up an extensive and ever-increasing patronage. He makes a
specialty of prescription work and has two dispensers who are among
the finest in their line of business. Starting on a modest scale, Mr.
Pinder today employs nine people, his number of employes, perhaps, ex-
ceeding that of any other drug business in the west. He keeps a large
and well selected stock. Mr. Pinder is a man of genial and pleasing per-
sonality and those qualities, together with his honorable principles in
the conduct of his business, have won for him many true and stanch
friends. Although he has devoted the greater part of his time and atten-
tion to the drug business he has taken an active interest in other affairs
and was president of the Saskatoon Rink Company for a number of years.
He also owns a section of fine land in this county.
In March, 1916, Mr. Pinder was married to Miss Helen Rose of Bran-
don, Manitoba, and they have four children Robert Ross, born in Janu-
ary of the year 1918; Mary Phyllis, born in September, 1919; Muriel
Evelyn, born in August of the year 1921; and a son, born on the 26th of
April, 1923. Mrs. Pinder is a woman of culture and refinement and she
maintains an active interest in all affairs pertaining to the rearing of
her children and to those likely to affect them in later years.
Since attaining his majority Mr. Pinder has been a stanch supporter
of the Liberal party and maintains an active interest in local affairs.
He is ever mindful of the duties and responsibilities as well as the privi-
leges of good citizenship and to that end is never too busy to lend his aid
in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community at
large. His religious faith is that of the Baptist church. Fraternally
he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. He is an active member of the
Kiwanis Club, the Canadian Club, the Riverside Country Club, the Sas-
katoon Golf Club and the Saskatoon Gun Club. He is an enthusiastic
golfer and devotes a great deal of his spare time to that sport. Mr.
Pinder owns considerable business property in Saskatoon and some time
ago built a beautiful home at No.872 Saskatchewan Crescent.
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