Richard N. Kelly is conducting a drug store on Hamilton street and
stands among the foremost business men of the city. He was born in
Almonte, Ontario, on the 11th of February, 1876, a son of John and Eliza-
beth (Willoughby) Kelly, the former a native of Farmersville, Ontario,
and the latter of near Brockville. For a number of years the father was
in the hotel business at Almonte. To Mr. and Mrs. Kelly three children
were born: Dr. J. K., engaged in the practice of medicine in Almonte,
Ontario; Richard N., of this review; William, who is secretary of the
Wylie Milling Company of Almonte. The religious faith of Mr. and Mrs.
Kelly was that of the Anglican church and she was very active in church
work. Throughout his life Mr. Kelly gave his political allegiance to the
Liberal party, having firm belief in the principles of that party as factors
in good government.
In the acquirement of his education Richard N. Kelly attended the
public schools of Almonte and in due time was graduated from high school.
He then became an apprentice to the drug trade, entering the store of H.
F. McCarthy of Ottawa. For some time he worked in a drug store in the
east and in March, 1903, located in Winnipeg, where for three months he
was associated with W. J. Mitchell. On the 26th of September, 1903, he
came to Regina and engaged in the drug business with a Mr. Mclvor,
for ten months, at the termination of which time Mr. Kelly determined
to operate a store independently. He has a well equipped, up-to-date
store at No.1784 Hamilton street and has an extensive trade. His origi-
nal store was located on Railroad street. There is no phase of the phar-
macal business with which Mr. Kelly is not thoroughly familiar and he
well merits the success he has achieved. He is a man of genial and pleas-
ing personality and has countless friends in this city.
In 1907 Mr. Kelly was married to Miss Mary C. Nicol, a native of
Ottawa, where she received her education. They have one child: John
King, who is fifteen years of age. Mrs. Kelly is a woman of culture and
refinement and she maintains an active interest in the club and social
circles of this city. The religious faith of the Kelly family is that of the
Anglican church. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and has
attained both the York and Scottish Rites and is a Noble of the Mystic
Shrine. He is an active member of the local Kiwanis Club and socially
is identified with the Assiniboia Club and the Wascana Country Club. His
hobbies are golf and motoring. The greater part of Mr. Kelly's time
and attention is devoted to his business and he is a director of the United
Drug Company. He is a self-made man in the truest sense of the word and
is accorded the confidence and esteem of all who know him.
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