Prominent in military and legal circles of Saskatchewan is Lieutenant Colonel John McAughey of Saskatoon, who was born in Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland, on the 11th of May 1877, a son of Alexander and Sarah (McCul- loch) McAughey, natives of Scotland. The father was a farmer in his native country throughout his life and won substantial success. His death oc- curred in May, 1919, and Mrs. McAughey passed away in July of that year. In the pursuit of his education John McAughey attended the schools of his birthplace and in due time was graduated from high school. He attended college at Beith and then enrolled in Glasgow University, where he took up the study of law. He was managing clerk to prominent solici- tors in Glasgow until March of the year 1910, when he came to Canada and located in Saskatoon, where he became associated with the law firm of Borland & McIntyre and subsequently was made a partner in the firm. That association he maintained until the outbreak of the Great war in 1914. Mr. McAughey was always interested in military affairs and at the age of eighteen years had become a member of the Territorial Forces in Scotland. He volunteered his services in 1914 and was commissioned a captain. He went overseas with the Eleventh Canadian Infantry Batta- lion and in July, 1916, was promoted to the rank of major. He was on the Canadian Headquarters Staff and afterward was appointed deputy assistant adjutant general, but relinquished that appointment later and went to France. He was with the First Canadian Battalion during the last one hundred days of the war. On reaching Germany he was appoint- ed military and civil administrator for the First Canadian Infantry Bri- gade and on leaving that country again returned to the Canadian General Headquarters Staff. In September, 1919, he returned to Canada and im- mediately resumed residence in Saskatoon. Upon the reorganization of the militia after the war, he was placed in command of the Twelfth Bri- gade, Machine Gun Corps, with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Mr. Mc- Aughey received many decorations for bravery during the war. He was decorated with the medal of the Order of the British Empire, Military Di- vision, and received the Order of St. Stanislaus, second class, with swords. He was twice brought to the attention of the secretary of war for valu- able services rendered and he was also mentioned in dispatches for dis- tinguished services in the field. Subsequently Mr. McAughey resumed the practice of law, establish- ing offices on his own account. He has since practiced independently and has a large and lucrative clientele, handling much important litigation in the courts. He is a man of genial and pleasing personality and in- spires all with confidence. He is a constant student of his profession and well merits the position of prominence he has attained at the provincial bar. On the 28th of June, 1904, Mr. McAughey was married to Miss Jean Wilson Hunter, a daughter of James and Jessie King (Wilson) Hunter and a native of Beith. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter were born in Ayrshire, Scot- land, and for many years Mr. Hunter followed the cabinetmaker's trade. He died in 1918. Mrs. Hunter is still living. Mr. and Mrs. McAughey have three children: Jessie Wilson Hunter, born on the 5th of April, 1905, is attending the University of Saskatoon; Eric Alexander, born on the 17th of September, 1909; and Isabelle Muriel, born on the 20th of January, 1915. Mr. McAughey has always given his political allegiance to the Lib- eral party and the principles for which it stands. He maintains an active interest in party affairs and is never too busy to lend his cooperation in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church and he is an elder in the Westminster Presbyterian church. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, holding membership in Saskatchewan Lodge, No. 16, and he is also affiliated with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. He is an active member of the Kiwanis Club and is a member of the provin- cial executive committee of the Great War Veterans Association. Along strictly professional lines he is. connected with the Canadian Bar Asso- ciation, the Saskatchewan Bar Association and the Saskatoon Bar Asso- ciation. Socially he is identified with the Canadian Club. During his college days Mr. McAughey was quite an athlete and he won his "blue" for cricket and Rugby, and still turns to the great outdoors for his recrea- tion. Bibliography follows:

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Lieutenant Colonel John McAughey,Lieutenant Colonel John McAughey
Lieutenant Colonel John McAughey,Lieutenant Colonel John McAughey
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