Corbet L. Dune, well known barrister and solicitor, is a member of the firm of Dune, Wakeling & Pearson with well appointed offices in the Canada building, Saskatoon. He was born in Ottawa, Ontario, in March, 1877, a son of John and Mary (Locke) Dune, the former a native of Ottawa and the latter of Barrie, Ontario. The Dunes were one of the distinguished families in the province of Ontario. The paternal grand- father was the first general merchant in Bytown, later Ottawa, and was a dominant factor in the development and improvement of that city. Mr. Dune's paternal grandmother was a sister of William Stuart, a member of the House of Commons in the early history of Upper Canada. The father, John Dune, was for many years in the book business, being a wholesaler, retailer and publisher of books, becoming successful in that connection. Mr. Dune's death occurred in August, 1914, but Mrs. Dune passed away in 1882. In the acquirement of his education Corbet L. Dune attended the public schools of Ottawa and subsequently graduated from high school. He then enrolled in Queen's University, from which he was graduated with the B. A. degree in 1899. He immediately entered Osgoode Hall for the study of law and that institution conferred the degree upon him in 1902. He was admitted to the Ontario bar in that year and also to the bar of the Northwest Territories. He practiced in Alberta until 1910 and in 1912 came to Saskatoon and commenced practice as a partner of the late Colonel Acheson and Mr. Wakeling. The firm was known as Acheson & Dune and later became Acheson, Dune & Wakeling. Mr. Acheson died in June, 1917, and in 1918 the firm became Dune, Wakeling & Pearson, R. W. Pearson, a prominent barrister and solicitor being ad- mitted to the firm. They have an extensive clientele and handle much important litigation before the courts. In July of the year 1920 Mr. Durie was married to Miss Ann Laidlaw, a daughter of Walter S. and Henrietta (Anderson) Laidlaw, natives of Westminster township, Ontario. Mr. Laidlaw is farming in that town- ship at the present time and is prominently known in agricultural circles. The paternal and maternal grandfathers of Mrs. Dune were among the earliest pioneers of western Ontario and their posterity lived in and have helped to develop that part of Ontario ever since. To Mr. and Mrs. Dune one child has been born: Douglas Stewart Locke, whose birth occurred on the 29th of March, 1922. Since attaining his majority Mr. Dune has given his political alle- giance to the Liberal party and the principles for which it stands. He has never sought nor desired political preferment but is well informed on all important questions and issues of the day and his cooperation can always be counted upon in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community. Fraternally he is identified with the Saska~ chewan Bar Association and the Saskatoon Bar Association and socially he holds membership in the Saskatoon Club, the Riverside Country Club and the Canadian Club. The religious faith of Mr. Dune is that of the Presbyterian church. During the Great war he gave generously of his time and money in the furtherance of the government's interests, and he was chairman of St. John's Ambulance Association. Bibliography follows:

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