Frederick Taylor, manager of the Royal Bank of Prince Albert, was
born in Yorkshire, England, on the 17th of March, 1879, a son of George
and Catherine (Witpen) Taylor, the former a native of Gawber and the
latter of Kent, England. Both father and grandfather engaged in the
manufacture of linen and were prominent and highly esteemed citizens of
their respective communities. The father died in 1891, and he is survived
by his widow, who is still making her home in England.
In the pursuit of his education Frederick Taylor attended the public
schools of Barnsley and Sheffield, also of York, England, and subsequently
entered the business world in the office of Rowntries in York. He re-
mained in that office until 1903, when he came to Canada and located at
Mather, Manitoba. Mr. Taylor came to this country with the intention of
becoming a farmer but he went into the Molsons Bank at Winnipeg as
junior clerk and three years later went with the Traders Bank, where he
remained until its amalgamation with the Royal Bank, when he was trans-
ferred as manager to Lipton, Saskatchewan, in 1912, remaining there six
years. In 1918 he was transferred to Prince Albert and has since been
manager of the Royal Bank. He is a man of keen insight, energy and
magnetic personality. Having worked his way up in the banking business
there is no phase of it with which he is not familiar and he enjoys the
confidence and esteem of all who know him.
On the 5th of July, 1909, Mr. Taylor was married to Miss Bernice
Ethel Younghusband, and they have become the parents of three children:
John F. G., twelve years of age; Everard S. W., eight years of age; and
Barbara Bernice, three years of age. Mr. Taylor is public-spirited in
every sense of the word. He has served as president of the Keewatin Club,
holding that office in 1922; and for one year was on the executive commit-
tee of the Anglican diocese, and is at present a member of the investment
committee of the diocese. He is a member of the Prince Albert Golf
Club and has served as secretary and treasurer of the Prince Albert
Tennis Club for the past four years. He is likewise connected with the
Prince Albert Skating Club and the local Curling Club and while a resi-
dent of Winnipeg he was signal officer for the Winnipeg Grenadiers,
holding that office eighteen months. He is an active member of the local
Board of Trade.
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