One of the prominent business men and highly esteemed citizens of Regina is Edgar C. Rossie, photographer, who is probably better known in western Canada than any other man engaged in his profession. He has had a studio in this city for practically twenty years and prior to coming to Regina had been engaged in the same work in Winnipeg for nine years, so that he has been intimately connected with the growth of this part of the Dominion during the most interesting and most progres- sive period in its history. Born on a farm near London, Ontario, in 1875, Edgar C. Rossie is the son of William and Lucy Jane (Westlake) Rossie and comes from an old and established English house. The Rossies were a titled family with well known crest and were once the owners of Kinnard castle in Scotland. William Rossie was born in Scotland and came to Ontario as a young man, where he met and married Lucy Jane Westlake, the daughter of Francis Westlake, a prominent and wealthy citizen of London, Ontario, who at one time owned a large portion of the real estate in the city. Two sons were born to William and Lucy Jane Rossie; Melville, now the editor of the Toronto Globe; and Edgar C. of this review. The boys were educated in the public schools of London in which city their father followed the profession of a banker. When he was still much of a boy Edgar C. Rossie went to work in a photograph gallery in London and literally grew up in the business. In 1895, when he was twenty years old, he went west to Winnipeg to engage in business for himself and conducted a studio there for a number of years. He came to Regina in 1904 to open a studio and has since made this city his home. During the years he has been established here he has made portrait studies of many prominent men and women and has won a merited place as the leading photographer, not only in the city, but in the province. His work is noted for its excellence, while in the composi- tion of his pictures he displays the skill of the true artist. Mr. Rossie also enjoys the distinction of having made the first movie films ever taken in the province. In 1906 Mr. Rossie was united in marriage to Miss Eva Chatwin, daughter of James Newton Chatwin, one of the early settlers in Saskatch- ewan and master tailor of the North West Mounted Police for years. Mr. and Mrs. Rossie have become the parents of three children, all of whom are of school age: Melville, Rossie, and Elsie. True to the religious teachings of his parents, Mr. Rossie is a communicant of the Anglican church, as is his wife, and the children are being reared in that faith. A Liberal in his political views, Mr. Rossie has been active in party affairs and is regarded as one of the stanch supporters of the Liberal cause in Regin~ He is a York Rite Mason, a Noble of the Mystic Shrine and the first civilian member ever admitted to the North West Mounted Police Lodge, A. F. & A. M. The Canadian Club numbers him among its charter embers[sic]. Mr. Rossie enjoys outdoor sports and is especially fond of baseball and hockey. He has always indorsed [sic] plans and projects which led to the upbuilding of this city and is very proud of the progress that has been made during the long period of his residence here. Bibliography follows:

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