A worthy representative of the modern woman is Miss Elizabeth
Weir, who is holding the important position of city tax collector of Sas-
katoon. She was born near Winnipeg, Manitoba, a daughter of Richard
and Margaret (Moir) Weir, natives of the province of Ontario. Her
father is a retired Presbyterian minister, who held many important
charges in Ontario during his active career and has ever been highly
esteemed and respected.
In the pursuit of her education Elizabeth Weir attended the public
and high schools of Clinton and Petrolia, Ontario, and after putting her
textbooks aside engaged in teaching school for a time. In 1901 she went
to Regina, where she attended the Normal School, and in 1902 came to
Saskatoon, where she was the only teacher on the west side of the river.
She taught in the city schools of Saskatoon for a period of five years and
in 1908 accepted a position as stenographer in the city treasurer's office.
In 1915 she was appointed tax collector and has since been active in this
important office. Miss Weir is sincerely devoted to her official duties and
is discharging them in a manner which commands the confidence and re-
spect of all.
For recreation Miss Weir turns to outdoor sports and she is an ex-
pert swimmer, and is also fond of gardening. Her religious faith is that
of the Presbyterian church and she is a consistent member of the West-
minster Presbyterian church of this city.
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