One of the popular public officials of Regina is Robert J. Westgate, city assessor and tax collector, with office in the city hall. He was born in Watford, Ontario, on the 1st of December, 1877, a son of Jarvis and Mary (Buchanan) Westgate, both natives of Ireland, who came to the province of Ontario when young and there they were married. For many years the father engaged in agricultural pursuits, becoming suc- cessful. To Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Westgate ten children were born, Robert J. being the sixth in order of birth. Two of the children are de- ceased. The father has also passed away. The mother continues to re- side in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Westgate were consistent members of the Church of England and he was an active member of the Masonic fraternity. In politics he was a Conservative and he always maintained an active interest in civic affairs. In the acquirement of his education Robert J. Westgate attended the public schools of his native province and likewise the schools of Regina for a time. In 1890, when thirteen years of age, he came to Regina to take up residence with an older brother. Prior to coming to this city he had learned shorthand and he filled a position as stenographer for Scott & Hamilton, lawyers, for one year. He then worked on a farm, attending school during the winter, and he received a third-class teacher's certificate in due time. He taught for a while and was then awarded a second-class certificate. He was in educational work for five years. At the termination of that time he entered the newspaper business and he was manager of the Daily Province for one year. He left journalism for the real estate business, in which he was associated with 'J. H. Spooner until 1915. In that year he was appointed tax collector and city assessor of the city of Regina and has since held this important position. He is well fitted to discharge the many duties devolving upon him and he is one of this city's most prominent and popular public officials. In 1904 Mr. Westgate was married to Miss Christina Sneath, a native of Barrie county, Ontario, and the daughter of George Sneath, who for some years taught school and farmed. To Mr. and Mrs. Westgate four children were born: Robert Owen, a student in the Collegiate Institute; James Allan and and Marion, who are attending the local schools; and Frederick Gordon. The religious faith of Mr. Westgate is that of the Church of England. He has always been active in religious circles and has been a vestryman for a number of years, and has also served on the board of trustees. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and he has attained the thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite. He has been thrice puissant grand master of the Lodge of Perfection, of which he is secretary. He is also affiliated with the Knights of Pythias and is a past chancellor. Mr. Westgate is sincerely devoted to the duties of his position and is accorded the confidence and esteem of all who know him. Bibliography follows:

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