Mathew M. Morrison, city market master of Saskatoon, was born in the township of Brock, Ontario, on the 7th of July, 1867, a son of Robert and Mary (Bagshaw) Morrison, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Ontario. The father and mother of Mrs. Morrison were natives of England and were members of old and honored English families. Squire Bagshaw and his wife came to Canada at an early day. Robert Morrison, the father of Mathew M., left his native country and located in the United States at the age of eighteen years. He remained in New York for two years and then came to Canada, locating at Kingston. Subse- quently he purchased land in Brock township, Ontario, and was active in the cultivation of that land for the remainder of his life. His death oc- curred in September, 1897, and his wife died in August of that year. Mathew M. Morrison received his education in the rural schools of Brock township, Ontario, and subsequently attended the Uxbridge high school and the Collingwood Collegiate Institute. After putting his text- books aside he spent about one year traveling throughout Michigan, work- ing at various odd jobs, and then he engaged in farming with his father until 1891. In that year he went to North Dakota and took up a home- stead near Conway, which he brought to a highly improved state and operated it with great success for five years. At the termination of that time he disposed of the homestead and purchased more land near Law- ton, North Dakota. He cultivated the second farm for five years and in 1902 sold it at a substantial profit. In that year he made a trip west, going as far as Edmonton, Alberta, and on the same trip stopped off at Saskatoon. This town impressed him as being a prosperous community with unlimited possibilities for future prosperity and he finally decided to locate here. He took up a homestead near Grandora, and improved and operated it for three years. He then moved into Saskatoon, and with C. S. Smith promoted the Saskatoon Mutual Fire Insurance Company, which is now known as the Saskatchewan Farmers Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company. Mr. Morrison wrote the first three hundred policies for the company and was its treasurer for two and one-half years. In 1911 the city of Saskatoon established the city market and Mr. Morrison was put in charge of the market. He opened the present Market building and at that time discharged the many duties of his position under the name of market clerk and weighmaster. For three years he operated the market alone and during that time it grew to such extensive proportions that the city felt called upon to enlarge the quarters of the market and change the system. The city determined to employ a market master but Mr. Morrison did not apply for that position. Instead, he remained in charge of the scales for an additional three years. His close application to the thing at hand, innate ability and integrity was rewarded when he was appointed market master, which important position he has since held. On the 7th of November, 1894, Mr. Morrison was married to Miss Sarah Weir, a daughter of John and Margaret (Ford) Weir, natives of Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Weir came to Canada at an early day and located in Winnipeg about 1880, before sidewalks had been laid out in that city. He worked for the Canadian Pacific Railroad for some years and later moved to Hartney, Manitoba, where he engaged in the land improvement business. He acquired some land on his own account, improved it and operated it successfully until 1900, when he disposed of it. He then moved to Souris, Manitoba, where he retired from active life and resided there for two years. Subsequently he took up residence in Vancouver, where his death occurred. Mrs. Weir has also passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison have two children: Deliom T. was born in North Dakota, on the 4th of July, 1902; and Evelyn S. was born in Saskatchewan, on the 30th of December, 1904. Since attaining his majority Mr. Morrison has always given his political allegiance to the Conservative party and the principles for which it stands. The religious faith of Mr. Morrison is indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and he is present grand patriarch, also member of Canton branch. He is also iden- tified with the Independent Order of Foresters and for three years was high chief ranger for Saskatchewan. He is now past high chief and financial secretary of the local lodge, which positions he has held for sev- eral years. Bibliography follows:

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