M. A. Wilson has been in newspaper work for a number of years and is now editor and proprietor of the Wilkie Press. He was born in Shel- burne, Ontario, in May, 1888, a son of J. D. and Isabella (Allan) Wilson, the former a native of Ontario and the latter of Scotland. Mr. Wilson was an iron worker and foundry man and for forty years operated a plant at Dundalk, Ontario. His death occurred in March, 1923. His widow continues to reside in Dundalk. The public schools of Dundalk afforded M. A. Wilson his education and after putting his textbooks aside he learned the printer's trade. He worked in various printing offices in Toronto and Rodney, Ontario, and in 1910 came west and located at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, where he re- sided six months. He then came to Wilkie but did not long remain here, removing to Kerrobert, where he managed the Kerrobert Citizen for three years. At the termination of that time he returned to Wilkie and six months later went to Cut Knife, where he became a partner in the Cut Knife Grinder, an association he maintained for one year. In 1916 he put all personal interests aside and joined the army for service in the Great war. He was a private and bandsman, went overseas and was in active service until the signing of the armistice closed hostilities. He was in England twenty months. Mr. Wilson received his honorable discharge in Toronto, in January, 1919, after which he returned to Dundalk and worked there for two years. Subsequently he went back to Wilkie and was employed on the Wilkie Press until May, 1923, when he bought the paper. His plant is modern in every respect and his is one of the prize winning papers in the three western provinces, receiving the fourth and fifth prize during the 1922 contest. His paper has a circulation of seven hundred and each day brings additional subscribers. There is no phase of printing and newspaper work with which Mr. Wilson is not thoroughly familiar and continued success in this line of work is assured him. In May, 1923, Mr. Wilson was married to Miss Bertha Evelyn Hambly and to them two children have been born: Marjorie Lenore and Isabelle Ferne. Mr. Wilson is an independent in politics and his religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. He holds membership in Wilkie chapter of the Great War Veterans Association and was one of the organizers of the chapter at Dundalk, Ontario, and was secretary there. Bibliography follows:

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