Henry Herbert Kohlman, manager of the John Deere Plow Company,
Regina, was born in Quincy, Illinois, on the 23d of November, 1868. His
father, Peter H. Kohlman, went to Quincy when about nine years old, after
a long voyage from South Africa-his birthplace. The child landed in
the States an orphan, for his father and mother both died on shipboard
on the tedious journey. Peter Kohlman grew to manhood in Quincy and
there was married to Helen Whalen, who was born near Monroe City, Mis-
souri. They had seven children, of whom six are living, Henry Herbert
being the fourth child. The father was a Mason, a Republican in his
political views and a Lutheran' in his religious faith.
Henry Herbert Kohlman was educated in the high school of Quincy.
He had grown up on his father's farm, where he remained until he was
seventeen, when because of frail health he was sent west to Colorado. For
the ensuing four years he drove a freight team out of Leadville, building up
his physique and having an experience in the frontier life of a mining
camp that must have been alive with interest for the boy in his late teens
and early twenties.
When he returned home after his exile in search of health, Mr. Kohl-
man, in partnership with a brother, started a hardware and farm imple-
ment business at Hull, Pike county, Illinois, in which he was interested
for about three years. Subsequently he went on the road as a traveling
man for the McCormick Harvester Company and in 1890 and 1891 made
Fargo, North Dakota, his headquarters. He came to Regina in the in-
terests of his company in 1901, when the first branch office was opened
here. Four years later he left the harvester company to become associ-
ated with the Fairchild Company, that was then doing a jobbing business
in the products put out by the John Deere Plow Company, with a terri-
tory that included Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. In 1908 the
John Deere concern took over this trade, retaining Mr. Kohlman as man-
ager of the company, a position he has held to the present day. The first
three or four years he was in this work he spent chiefly on the road, cover-
ing his territory and getting acquainted with it. He now has charge of
the province with twelve block men and two experts working under his
direction. In addition to the Regina office a branch house is maintained
at Saskatoon. There are probably few men in Saskatchewan so thor-
oughly informed as to the needs and developments of the agricultural
industry in western Canada as Mr. Kohlman, who has been making a
personal study of this problem for the past twenty years. A keen ob-
server of men and conditions, he has been quick to discern the changes
that are continually taking place in every new and growing community,
and to anticipate the wants of his customers in the matter of farm
Outside of his business and family Mr. Kohlman's chief interests are
his work in the Masonic order, and golf. He spends much of his leisure
time on the links during the summer time and is considered one of the
good players at the Wascana Country Club. In the Masonic fraternity
he has taken degrees in both the York and the Scottish Rites and is a
Noble of the Mystic Shrine. In 1907 he was potentate for Wawa Temple
of the Mystic Shrine, and has also held the offices of ceremonial master,
oriental guide and of high priest and prophet.
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