James A. Wright is well known in Regina as the head of one of the leading undertaking establishments and a citizen who for twenty years has been identified with all that is best in the political, civic and social life of the community Born at Richmond Hill, Ontario, in 1871, he is the youngest living child of Archibald and Elizabeth (Palmer) Wright. His father was a carriage-maker by trade and followed that occupation all his life. He was a native of the town of Scarborough, Ontario, while his wife came from Devonshire, England, when she was a girl. They were devout members of the Methodist church, in which they reared their ten children, six of whom have died. Those surviving are: Ashford, an undertaker of Richmond Hill; A. D., of Berkeley, California, a retired undertaker, formerly engaged in business in Regina; Charles S., a mer- cantile broker of Toronto; and James A., of this review. James A. Wright was educated in his birthplace, graduating from the Richmond Hill high school, following which he joined his father in the carriage manufacturing business for fifteen years. In 1902 he went out to Crow's Nest, British Columbia, where he was connected with the general stores of the London Liverpool Company for six months. At the end of that time he came to Regina to join his brother, A. D. Wright, in the undertaking and furniture business. The older man had established himself here in 1890. The two brothers conducted the business in part- nership until A. D. Wright sold his interest to his brother in 1912 and the following year moved to California. With the exception of a space of about seven years, from 1913 to 1919, when he was out of the busi- ness, James A. Wright has been connected with the undertaker's business in this city for more than two decades. Since he took up that line of work again in 1919 he has built up a fine establishment and enjoys a generous share of the patronage of this nature in the -city. The Wright brothers Won a well-merited reputation for their excellent service, a reputation that Mr. Wright has been at some pains to maintain in the last few years, with the most gratifying of results, financially. In 1907 Mr. Wright was married to Miss Margaret Ellen Teasdale, who was born in Markham, Ontario, and educated in Toronto, where she studied music. She is a gifted singer and is now the soloist in the choir of the Metropolitan Methodist church. Mr. Wright is a member of the church and one of its official board. He is a Mason and has held the office of senior warden in his lodge. From his father, perhaps, he inherits his Liberal views in politics. At all events they have been strengthened by a conviction growing out of actual experience in the work of the party, for he has served on the executive board of the Liberal Association and follows with intense interest the course of public' affairs. He represents his line of work in the Regina Rotary Club and at all times cooperates with its program for commercial and civic advancement. Among the sports Mr. Wright is partial to lacrosse, which he formerly played. He finds, however, that most of his time and energy is needed in the man- agement of his business and is unable to devote much attention to other interests. He has made a large circle of friends and acquaintances since coming to Regina, among whom he is highly esteemed for his abilities and for his likable personal qualities. Bibliography follows:

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