The medical profession of Regina numbers among her representative members Dr. James Gordon Wright, who was born in Carnduff, Sas- katchewan, in 1889, a son of Hiram E. and Janet (Burgess) Wright, natives of the district of Huron, Ontario. Both parents came to Sas- katchewan before the railroad-in 1879-and they were married in this province. The father took up a homestead, whereon they resided for many years. They still own the land, which they rent to tenants, and receive a substantial income from its cultivation. Mr. Wright retired from active business life a number of years ago and is living in Carnduff, where he is a highly respected and esteemed citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Wright were parents of two children: James Gordon, whose name introduces this review; and Charles, who is living on the old homestead. Mr. Wright has always been a stanch supporter of the Conservative party and he has firm belief in the principles of that party as factors in good govern- ment. He is active in civic affairs, having served as an alderman and he has also been a school trustee. His religious faith is that of the Pres- byterian church and for many years he has been identified with theMasons. The public schools of Carnduff afforded James Gordon Wright his preliminary education and he was graduated from the Normal School at Regina in 1907. He taught school from 1907 to 1910, in which latter year he enrolled in Queen's University at Kingston, for the study of medicine. He was graduated from that institution with the M. D. degree in 1914 and went to Syracuse, New York, where for fifteen months he served his interneship. He was assistant physician at the Hospital for the Insane in Kingston, Ontario, for fifteen months and superintendent of the General Hospital at Kingston for two years. In the fall of 1918 he came to Regina as superintendent of the General Hospital here and was active in that important position until 1920, when he resigned that position and established offices for the practice of his profession on his own account. He is thoroughly versed in every branch of the profession and is enjoying an extensive practice. Dr. Wright stands high among the foremost members of his profession in the city and district. In 1916 Dr. Wright was married to Miss Ruth Male, a native of Savannah, New York, United States of America. To them two daughters have been born: Jane, who is six years of age; and Ann, four years of age. Mrs. Wright is a woman of much personal charm and she is promi- nent in the club and social circles of this city. Dr. Wright's fraternal affiliations are with the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons and the Ca- nadian Order of Foresters. Along strictly professional lines he is iden- tified with the Regina Medical Association, the Saskatchewan Medical Association and the Canadian Medical Society. He is secretary of the staff of the Grey Nuns Hospital in this city. Dr. Wright is sincerely devoted to his profession and his professional interests demand the greater part of his time and attention. Bibliography follows:

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