One of the efficient and popular public officials of Kerrobert is Mait-
land Barkwell, town clerk. He was born near Goderich, Ontario, on
the 21st of November, 1874, a son of William and Elizabeth (Walters)
Barkwell, likewise natives of that province. William Barkwell followed
agricultural pursuits in his native province until 1905, when he located
at Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan, and there farmed until he went to Kel-
owna, British Columbia, where he has made his home since 1919, and he
is a highly respected and esteemed citizen.
The public schools of Goderich afforded Maitland Barkwell his edu-
cation and after putting his textbooks aside he learned accountancy, in
which line of work he has since been engaged, with the exception of two
and one-half years spent in fruit farming at Penticton, British Columbia.
He also farmed near Eston, Saskatchewan, about four years and then
rented the land out. During a part of that time he was secretary-treasurer
of the Rural Municipality. It was in 1919 that he engaged in fruit farm-
ing in British Columbia and he still owns two farms there and retains his
farming interests in this province. For three years Mr. Barkwell was
auditor for the D. S. Perrin & Company, Limited, manufacturers of
biscuits and confectionery at London, Ontario, and in May of the year
1923 he came to Kerrobert and accepted the office of town clerk.
On the 9th of August, 1899, Mr. Barkwell was married to Miss Ida
M.Henning, a daughter of William and Johana (McKinnon) Henning,
the former a native of England and the latter of Ontario. Mr. Henning
came to Canada when quite young and subsequently engaged in milling,
which line of work he followed successfully until his death, in 1914. Mrs.
Henning died in 1916. In his political views Mr. Barkwell is a Liberal
and he has firm belief in the principles of that party as factors in good
government. For a short time he was secretary-treasurer of Indian
Head, Saskatchewan, and he was secretary-treasurer of the Eston
Union Hospital at Eston. Fraternally he is identified with the Masonic
order and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he holds member-
ship in the Eston Curling Club. Mr. Barkwell was one of the organizers
of the Masonic lodge at Eston and was the second master of the lodge.
His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church and he is a gener-
ous contributor to its support. He has been a man of varied activities.
Although he has been a resident of Kerrobert but a short time he has
made many warm friends and is one of the town's leading citizens.
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