Prominent among the energetic, farsighted and successful business
men of Swift Current is Jack Wood, proprietor of Jack Wood, Limited,
men's furnishings. He was born in London, Ontario, on the 6th of Janu-
ary, 1881, a son of Benjamin L. and Cordelia (Holdstead) Wood, the
latter of whom has passed away. The father is living in London, On-
tiraio, and is there engaged in the manufacture of automobile parts.
The public schools of London, Ontario, afforded Jack Wood his early
education and in due time he was graduated from high school. He was
in the employ of a Toronto firm, with headquarters in London, for eleven
years and then for ten years was associated with the Chapman Company,
a London, Ontario, firm. In 1911 he came to Swift Current and deter-
mined to engage in business on his own account. He established a men's
furnishings business, which he conducts under the name of Jack Wood,
Limited. Gradually since starting out in life he has worked his way
upward and the conditions of his business career have called forth strong
purpose, have developed his powers and have made him one of the force-
ful factors in the control of interests which have had most important
bearing upon the city of Swift Current and its progress.
In February, 1901, Jack Wood was married to Miss Mary Bradley of
Ontario, and they have two children: Marjorie and Jack, Jr. Fraternally
Mr. Wood is identified with the Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent
Protective Order of Elks, and he is a member of the Rotary Club. His
religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. He was president of
the Swift Current Board of Trade in 1918, 1919 and 1920 and was
second president of the Associated Board of Trade in 1921 and 1922. He
is at present chief executive of the Retail Merchants Association of Sas-
katchewan, and he served on the local school board in 1914.
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