For some years John Ogilvie Hettle, president and managing director of the Hettle-Drennan Company, Limited, has been closely and influentially identified with the business development of Saskatoon and by his shrewd and able work has been a force in the promotion of the general activity which results in expansion along business lines. He was born in Tees- water, Ontario, on the 27th of May, 1874, a son of John and Ellen (Walker) Hettle. In the pursuit of his education John Ogilvie Hettle attended the public and high schools of Boissevain and Brandon, Manitoba, and after putting his textbooks aside he became associated with F. W. Young & Company of Glenboro, Manitoba. He remained with that concern during 1896 and 1897 and then joined the Union Bank of Canada. He was stationed at different branches of that bank throughout the province of Manitoba, 1897 to 1905, and was manager of the Union Bank at Glenboro, 1903- 1905. He was then manager of the Northern Crown Bank at Glenboro, and Melita, Manitoba, and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and was active in that capacity in Saskatoon from 1905 to 1911. He established his present business in 1912. The Hettle-Drennan Company, of which Mr. Hettle is president and managing director, does a general banking, bond and fire insurance business and is considered one of the most successful and rep- resentative enterprises of its kind in Saskatchewan. As a business man Mr. Hettle is held in high regard in his community, because of his trust- worthy methods and honest transactions, and he has hosts of friends. In 1902 Mr. Hettle was married to Miss Ethel Fraser, a daughter of Gregor Fraser of Manitoba. To them two sons and one daughter have been born. Since attaining his majority Mr. Hettle has given his politi- cal allegiance to the Liberal party and he has exerted considerable in- fluence in party affairs. He served as alderman for Saskatoon in 1915, being elected for two years. He resigned, however, after serving one year. Mr. Hettle is essentially public-spirited and he has served in many important capacities. He was appointed a member of the Saskatchewan Farm Loan Board in 1917 and is still a member of the board. Mr. Hettle was president of the Saskatoon Exhibition in 1919 and 1920 and was the eighteenth president of the Western Canada Fairs Association in 1918. He has been governor of the Saskatoon City Hospital Board. During the Great war he gave generously of his tinie and money in the furtherance of the government's interests, and was head of the Victory Loan cam- paign in his district. Fraternally Mr. Hettle is identified with the Masons and with the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows. Socially he is identified with the Saska- toon Club and the Riverside Country Club, and he is an active member of the Kiwanis Club and has served as president of that organization. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. For recreation from his many business interests Mr. Hettle turns to golf and motoring. His life has been an active and useful one and he well merits his success, for it is the result of close application to the thing at hand, laudable ambition and stanch determination. Bibliography follows:

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