John Macklem, a prominent barrister of Saskatoon and a member of the firm of Macklem & Geddes, is a veteran of the Great war~ He was born at Ringwood, Ontario, on the 18th of June, 1886, a son of George L. and Mary (Breuls) Macklem, likewise natives of Ringwood. George L. Macklem engaged in farming in Ontario for a good many years and retired about 1913, living in Winnipeg until his death on the 26th of June, 1922,. at the age of seventy-seven years. His widow continues to live in Winnipeg. To Mr. and Mrs. Macklem five children were born, four of whom are living: Wilford, who was killed at Lens, France, a month prior to the signing of the armistice, served with the Canadian Field Artillery from 1914 and rendered his country valiant service. His death brought deep sorrow to his family and many friends; two daugh- ters, Mrs. Marter and Mrs. Pippy, reside in Winnipeg; Mrs. Ward lives in Claremont, Ontario; and John, whose name introduces this review, resides in Saskatoon. In the acquirement of his early education John Macklem attended the public schools of his birthplace and subsequently enrolled in the Collegiate Institute at Toronto. He came to the province of Saskatchewan in 1906 and taught school for three years, at the same time attending the Normal School in Regina. He was then articled to Judge Embury, later to G. H. Barr and in 1914 was admitted to the provincial bar. He became as- sociated with Russell Hartney of Saskatoon and was enjoying an im- portant practice at the time of the outbreak of the Great war. He enlisted early in the year 1915, and went overseas with the rank of lieu- tenant, in the Mounted Rifles and was transferred to the Royal Flying Corps, serving in Egypt and Palestine and on the frontier of Afghanis- tan. He was in active service until the signing of the armistice closed hostilities and received his honorable discharge in the spring of 1919. For six months he resided in Toronto and then returned to Saskatoon, where he resumed the practice of his profession, independently. In January, 1920, he was joined in practice by Ralph Geddis, extended mention of whom is made elsewhere in this work, and they have an ex- tensive clientele, practicing under the firm name of Macklem & Geddis. On the 7th of April, 1921, Mr. Macklem was married to Miss Margaret E. Snyder, a daughter of John and Margaret Snyder, natives of Wiscon- sin. Mr. Snyder is government inspector of dairy products and resides at Rochester, Minnesota, where he is a highly respected and esteemed citizen. Mrs. Macklem is a woman of charming personality and she main- tains an active interest in the club and social affairs of this community. Although the greater part of his time and attention is devoted to his profession, Mr. Macklem is essentially public-spirited and is never too busy to give his aid in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community at large, and he is well informed on all important ques- tions and issues of the day. The religious faith of Mr. Macklem is that of the Methodist church. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and he also holds membership in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. For recreation from his many duties Mr. Macklem turns to the great outdoors and his hobby is gardening. Since taking up residence in Sas- katoon, Mr. Macklem has - made many friends and has become a promi- nent and influential member of the community. He stands for the highest professional ethics and is highly esteemed. Bibliography follows:

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