Robert Smith is Deputy Registrar of Land Titles at Prince Albert and is one of this community's foremost citizens. A native of Scotland, his birth occurred in the parish of Mortlach, on the 1st of July, 1860, and he is a son of Robert and Jane (Weir) Smith, natives of that coun- try. His father farmed in Scotland until 1891, when he came to Canada and located at Prince Albert. He acquired a homestead some five miles from this town a short time afterward, subsequently purchased more land and engaged in farming it until 1896, when he returned to Scot- land and was residing there at the time of his death, on the 31st of July, 1909. Mrs. Smith died in August of the year 1904. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith twelve children were born: Robert, of this review; James, who was for many years president of the Prince Albert Agricultural Society, and who met his death in an automobile accident in the fall of 1922; John, residing in Prince Albert; Jessie Ann, who died in Prince Albert in 1891; Penelope F., who died in Aberdeen, Scotland; in 1908; and of the others, one lives in the Argentine Republic; one lives in the United States; one lives in Scotland, and two sisters passed away in infancy. In the pursuit of his early education. Robert Smith attended the public schools of Marnoch and Fordyce Academy at Banffshire. When he laid aside his textbooks he clerked in a dry goods store and was later identi- fied with various bonded warehouses in Glasgow. In March of 1891 he came to Canada with his parents and located with them on the home- stead near Prince Albert. He engaged in farming until 1898, when he joined a party of prospectors going north and was absent on that trip two years, prospecting throughout the Great Slave Lake district. When he returned home, his capital being greatly diminished, he again turned his attention to agricultural pursuits in connection with his brothers and was thus engaged until 1903, when he became an employe of the Dominion government, in the Land Titles service. He was Deputy Registrar of the service at Saskatoon from 1910 to 1915 and in the latter year was appointed Registrar of the Land Titles office at Humboldt. On the 1st of July, 1919, he resigned that office because of his failing health and for eighteen months rested from his strenuous duties. In May of the year 1921 he was made Deputy Registrar at Prince Albert and has since been identified with the office here and has rendered efficient and commend- able service. For five years Mr. Smith was secretary-treasurer of the county school district. He is a charter member of the Masonic order here and a life member of the Prince Albert Royal Arch chapter, of which he was scribe for some two years. He is an active member of the Prince Albert Club and the Keewatin Club. He was a member of the Liberal party during the early years of the district and province. The religious faith of Mr. Smith is that of the Presbyterian church. Bibliography follows:

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