MALCOLM ROSS BOW, B. A., M.D., C. M., D. P. H.
Dr. Malcolm Ross Bow, Medical Health Officer of Regina and superin- tendent of the General Hospital in this city, is highly esteemed by all who know him. He was born in Vernon, Ontario, in 1887, a son of Thomas and Mary (McIntyre) Bow, both of Scottish descent and natives of On- tario. For some years the father was in the mercantile business in Vernon and Winchester, and he was postmaster at Vernon for some time, but is now retired from active life. Mr. and Mrs. Bow celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in March, 1923. T6 their union five children have been born, three of whom are living. Malcolm Ross Bow, whose name introduces this review, was the fifth in order of birth. The re- ligious faith of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bow is that of the Presbyterian church, in which they are both active workers, and Mr. Bow has held many important positions in the church. His political allegiance is given to the Liberal party and he maintains an active interest in party affairs. In the pursuit of his education Malcolm Ross Bow attended the public schools of Vernon and Winchester, the high school at Kemptville and the Morrisburg Collegiate Institute. He was graduated with the B. A. de- gree from Queen's University in 1908. He then enrolled in the medical department of that institution and the M. D., C. M. degrees were con- ferred upon him in 1911. In that year he came to Regina. He spent his summers in Saskatchewan during his student days at Queen's Uni versity, and engaged in teaching school for two summers. One year he was employed in civil service work and following his graduation he was assistant to the provincial bacteriologist for one year. In May, 1912, he was appointed Medical Health Officer of Regina and has since been active in this important position. He is the first full-time health officer of this city. The health department staff consists of one deputy, eight officials and two public health nurses. It is organized in divisions and is operated in an efficient manner. Dr. Bow is sincerely devoted to his duties as health officer and he has proven the right man for the place. In 1920 Dr. Bow was appointed superintendent of the Regina General Hospital, one of the largest and best equipped hospitals in western Can- ada. He is a constant student of his profession. He took postgraduate work in Toronto in 1920, obtaining leave of absence for this purpose. The D. P. H. degree was conferred upon him by the University of Toronto in 1920. In 1914 Dr. Bow was married to Miss Norma Wallace, who was born in Ontario. She received her early education in the public and high schools of Kemptville, was graduated from Ontario Normal College and taught school for some time prior to her marriage. Dr. and Mrs. Bow are parents of two children: Maxine and Malcolm. The religious faith of Dr. Bow is that of the Presbyterian church, and he has membership in Knox Presbyterian church. For recreation from his many professional duties he turns to the great outdoors and has always been keenly inter- ested in athletics. He was largely instrumental in organizing and was president of the Regina Rugby Club for several years, is president of the Saskatchewan Rugby Union and he was president of the Regina Lawn Bowling Club during 1922 and 1923. The Doctor plays tennis, bowls and is a curler. He is a man of high intellectual attainments, is recognized as one of the ablest public speakers in his profession, and is well in- formed on all important questions and issues of the day. During his uni- versity days he won distinction as a debater and in 1908 he was a member of the debating team that won the Inter-University Debating Champion- ship of Canada. The Doctor is known and appreciated for his sterling integrity and his genial manner has won for him a host of friends. Bibliography follows:

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