Charles Edward Bothwell, a leading barrister and solicitor of Swift Current, has been a representative of the Saskatchewan bar for the past fourteen years and is successfully practicing his profession as a member of the law firm of Bothwell & Roth. His birth occurred at Owen Sound, Ontario, on the 26th of May, 1882, his parents being John and Mary (Mc- Kerroll) Bothwell, both of whom were natives of Scotland, the former born at Kintore, Aberdeenshire, and the latter in Port Ellen Islay. His more advanced education was received in the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute, while his professional training was acquired in Osgoode Hall of Toronto, from which institution he was graduated as a barrister- at-law in May, 1909. He engaged in school teaching in his native prov- ince but regarded this merely as an initial step to other professional labor. Following his admission to the bar he came west to Saskatche- wan and became associated with H. G. W. Wilson in the practice of law at Indian Head, where he remained from 1909 until 1912. The latter year witnessed his arrival at Swift Current and here he has followed his chosen profession continuously since, first practicing independently and then successively under the firm style of Bothwell & Campbell, Bothwell, Campbell & Roth and Bothwell & Roth. An extensive and gratifying clientage is accorded him. He is a director of the Canadian Guaranty Trust Company, with head office in Brandon, Manitoba. On the 9th of November, 1912, Mr. Bothwell was united in marriage to Miss Pearl McKinney, daughter of Robert McKinney of Toronto, On- tario. Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell have a son, Edward McKinney, who was born September 12, 1914. Mr. Bothwell is a Liberal and his prominence in local political circles is indicated in the fact that he has been chosen president of the Swift Current Liberal Club for 1922 and 1928. He has likewise acted as city solicitor for Swift Current from June, 1912, to the present time and rendered valuable service to the cause of education as a member of the public and high school boards of Swift Current from 1917 to 1922 inclusive, holding the position of chairman thereof from January, 1918, until December, 1922. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church, while fraternally he is iden- tified with the Masons and the Knights of Pythias. In 1922 and 1923 he served as grand chancellor of the grand lodge of the Knights of Py- thias of Saskatchewan. He also belongs to the Rotary Club and to the Swift Current Golf Club, the latter connection showing the nature of his recreation, and is well known in both professional and social circles of his adopted city and district. Bibliography follows:

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