Another well known public official of Prince Albert is Ernest Frank Webb, city clerk and treasurer. He was born at Barnsbury, North Lon- don, England, on the 23d of January, 1887, a son of William and Emily Amelia (Allen) Webb, who were born in Gazeley, near Newmarket, Eng- land. The father engaged in farming all of his life in England. His death occurred in August, 1913, after a life of successful achievement. Mrs. Webb died in June of the year 1887. Ernest Frank Webb was reared in London and there attended the grammar and high schools. He took postgraduate work at Ruskin Col- lege and then entered the business world, accepting a position as an ac- countant. He followed that line of work in England until September, 1911, when he came to Canada and located on a fruit farm in Ontario, where he resided one year. At the termination of that time he removed to North Battleford and there became an accountant in the city offices and when that town was incorporated as a city, in May of the year 1913, he became first city treasurer and assessor. Later he held the offices of treasurer and city clerk and resigned to engage in accounting independ- ently, so continuing until he came to Prince Albert to assist in the re- arrangement and reorganization of the city's finances. In December, 1918, he was appointed city clerk and treasurer and the duties of this office claim his undivided attention. On May 30, 1914, Mr. Webb was married to Miss Monica Mary Col- lins of London, England, and .to their union four children have been born: Monica, who was born on the 10th of April, 1917; Frank Ernest, Jr., born on the 20th of September, 1918; Winnifred Grace, born on the 9th of February, 1920; and Arthur Stuart, born on the 28th of May, 1921. Fraternally Mr. Webb is identified with the Knights of Pythias and he is a prominent member of the Keewatin Club and the Prince Albert Golf Club, and is an ex-member of the Rotary Club. The religious faith of the Webb family is that of the Anglican church. Mr. Webb's chief hobby is gardening and after that come swimming and golf. Bibliography follows:

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