One of the energetic and enterprising business men of Regina who has
attained a noteworthy success in early life is Ernest Henderson, manager
of the Regina district for the Confederation Life Association. Mr. Hen-
derson was born in October, 1893, at Catford, England, son of the late
Edward H. and Ada M. (Wallis) Henderson, the latter of whom now
lives in Kent, a widow. The father during his lifetime was superinten-
dent of the South Eastern & Chatham Railway in England. Ernest Hen-
derson was the eighth in a family of eleven children, of whom ten are
living. He spent his boyhood in Catford, where he attended the public
schools until he was thirteen and a half years old. Since then he has
been the master of his own fate.
In 1912, at the age of nineteen, after various youthful adventures,
Mr. Henderson found himself in Regina. For the first six weeks after his
arrival in this province he worked on a farm near the city, an experience
that robbed him of any dreams he may have entertained about becoming
a big farmer in western Canada. At the end of six weeks of hard labor
he was not a penny richer, so in disgust he went in search of other em-
ployment. The rest of the year he spent as a teamster on a government
road gang and was able to save his first two hundred dollars from the
wages he received for this work. His next position was that of a tempo-
rary clerk in the Cockshutt Plow Company, which led to his being placed
on the permanent staff, where he remained for a year. At the close of
that time he resigned his position with the plow company to accept the
position of cashier in the tax office. He served in this capacity for two
years. In 1915 Mr. Henderson first became associated with the Con-
federation Life Association as cashier. Three years later he was pro-
moted to the managership of the Regina district, his present office. He
finds that his duties in this connection demand most of his time and
attention, for he has a list of some thirty agents under him, which means
that a large volume of business passes through the Regina office each
Mr. Henderson and Miss Mima Bredin were married in 1916 and have
become the parents of three children: Marie Elizabeth, Gordon Ernest
and Doreen Isabelle. Mrs. Henderson is the daughter of pioneer settlers
of Saskatchewan, who took up a homestead near Regina thirty years ago,
and she was born in this province, where she has always lived.
As a child Mr. Henderson was reared in the Anglican faith and is now
a member of Grace church of Regina. Both he and Mrs. Henderson are
active in work of the parish and at one time he taught in the Sunday
school. Golf is his favorite recreation. During the season he goes out
to the Regina Golf Club to play as frequently as the pressure of business
affairs will allow him. Mr. Henderson is essentially a self-made man,
for he has earned his own way in the world since he was but little more
than thirteen. Great credit is due him, not only that he should have
climbed so far up the ladder, but also that he should have done so at an
exceptionally early age. It is the opinion of those with whom he is asso-
ciated in business, as well as of his friends, that in the years to come
he will make even greater advancement in the business world.
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