Oliver Johnston, part owner of the Pickel & Johnston department store
of North Battleford, is one of the town's leading and pioneer citizens. He
was born at Winnipeg, Manitoba, in May, 1879, a son of Sigvaldi and In-
geborge Johnston, natives of Iceland. For a number of years the father
farmed in Manitoba, to which province he removed in 1878, and he is
now living retired in Arborg, Manitoba.
Oliver Johnston received his education in the public schools of Winni-
peg and at the age of sixteen years went to work for Archibald Wright,
a dry goods merchant of Winnipeg. He remained with him about six
years and then became associated with Robin Hood, a merchant at Oak
Lake, Manitoba. In 1903 he came west to the old town of Battleford, Sas-
katchewan, and clerked in the store of James Clinkskill for fifteen months.
During those years he was learning the mercantile business from bottom
to top, and in 1904 he determined to engage in the business on his own
account, and formed a partnership with A. D. Pickel. They conducted a
store in the old town and when North Battleford was started in 1906
they established a branch store here, erecting a tent in which they car-
ried on business for about a year. SubseQuently they disposed of the
store in the old town of Battleford and erected their present building
in North Battleford. Mr. Johnston is a man of innate business ability
and every detail of the business receives his personal attention.
Mr. Johnston has been twice married. In July, 1909, he was married
to Miss Jessie Luella McCullough of Owen Sound and to them one child
was born: Oliver Hugh, whose birth occurred on the 28th of September,
1911. In January of the year 1913, Mr. Johnston was married to Miss
Miriam Scales of St. Eleanor's, Prince Edward Island, and they became
the parents of three children, of whom the eldest child, Irene, is deceased.
The others are: Austin LeFurge and Miriam Anna. In his political views
Mr. Johnston is a Conservative and he maintains an active interest in
arty affairs and is well informed on all important questions and issues
of the day. He was a member of the council while a resident of the old
town of Battleford and has been chairman of the school board of North
Battleford for seven years. He was president of the local Board of Trade
a year. Mr. Johnston is a Mason and a Knights of Pythias and socially
is identified with the North Battleford Golf Club, of which he is captain.
He is a member and executive of the local Curling Club. He and his
family attend the Anglican church.
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