William L. McQuarrie, provincial secretary of the Retail Merchants Association of Canada, is one of the leading citizens of Saskatoon. He was born in Brussels, Ontario, in January, 1876, a son of Hector and Elizabeth (Armstrong) McQuarrie, the former a native of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and the latter of Ontario. The father removed to Ontario with his parents at an early age and there received his education. On reaching man's estate he engaged in farming, in which occupation he continued for many years, winning substantial success. His death oc- curred while on a visit to Denver, Colorado, in December, 1915. Mrs. McQuarrie survives her husband and is residing in Toronto. The public schools of Brussels afforded William L. McQuarrie his preliminary education and he attended high school at Harriston and Lis- towel, Ontario, and received his normal training at Toronto. He came west in September, 1898, and located at Prince Albert, where he taught school for three years. He was principal of the Emmanuel College there for one year and then entered the service of the Dominion government as clerk in the land office at Prince Albert. His close application to the thing at hand and innate ability won for him constant promotion and he subse- quently became Dominion land agent, Crown timber and mines, holding that important position until 1912, when he resigned to become manager, secretary and treasurer of the Saskatchewan Agencies, Limited, a finan- cial brokerage corporation of Saskatoon, with which he remained until 1916, when he accepted a position with the Retail Merchants Organiza- tion, as organizer in northern Saskatchewan. He was active in that ca- pacity until the 1st of January, 1923, when he was appointed to his present position as secretary of the Retail Merchants Association of Canada, with headquarters in Saskatoon. The work of the Retail Merchants Association of Canada is of great importance. It was organized not only for the uplift and benefit of the merchants but also for the benefit of the general public. It is noteworthy that in matters of legislation asked for and obtained in recent years, such legislation has never worked to the disadvantage of any other body or class of people. The association at its head offices is carrying on various services for the benefit of its members. These services include a traffic department which audits freight and express bills and looks into any questions of transportation affecting any of its members. The associa- tion also maintains a credit reporting bureau, assisting its members in the collection of accounts and through its legal department endeavors to solve many questions that might otherwise lead to serious entanglements. The association also maintains an income tax department and through it assists its members in properly preparing their income tax returns. This not only helps the merchants to a great extent but assists the government by returning the reports in good form. The association's official organ is the Western Retailer and it has a circulation of about four thousand, going to retail stores throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Through its columns the association is endeavoring to raise the standard of merchandising in the western country. The retailers of Saskatchewan meet in convention once each year and during that period matters of im- portance and trade policy are discussed. These conventions are of great interest to the retail trade and usually cover a period of three days. Following is a list of the present officers of the association: The honorary president is Jack Woods of Swift Current, proprietor of Jack Woods, Limited, men's wear; the past president is T. H. Masterson of Regina, who is active in the conduct of the Masterson Motors Company of Regina and Saskatchewan; G. Garfield Wray, president of the association, is in the boot and shoe business and conducts the Yale Shoe Store in Regina; Ralph Miller, first vice president, conducts a gents furnishings business in Prince Albert; A. H. Humphries, second vice president, is in the im- plement business at Raymore; the third vice president, W. M. Atkins of Gull Lake, is in the general merchandise business; S. E. Fawcett is treas- urer and he is connected with F. R. McMillen, Limited, of Saskatoon; and W. L. McQuarrie, whose name introduces this review, is secretary, and also editor and business manager of the Western Retailer, of which H. J. Beveridge is associate editor. In each of the cities throughout Saskatche- wan there is a local branch of the association, which looks after affairs of local interests. In Saskatoon James Clinkskill, ex-mayor and also ex- Member of the Legislative Assembly, is a past president of the Retail Merchants Association, while Robert McGowan, of McGowan & Com- pany, holds the position of honorary president. He held the office of president for three years and was succeeded by Dennis Mahoney, who is engaged in the grocery business here. Frank S. Dunn of Dunn's, Limited, is first vice president; Archie McBean of McBean & Marshall, drugs, is second vice president; Fred Hoad of Marty & Hoad is treasurer; and W. T.Birney of Birney's Hardware, is secretary, with H. J. Beveridge appointed as the regular secretary of the local branch. Aside from his duties as secretary of the Retail Merchants Associa- tion of Canada, Mr. McQuarrie has other interests. He is a partner in the firm of Smith & McQuarrie at Borden, Saskatchewan, which has been in the general mercantile business there for the past seventeen years. He also operates farm land east of Saskatchewan and interests himself in pure-bred shorthorn and grade cattle. He has achieved considerable success. On the 30th of September, 1908, Mr. MeQuarrie was married to Miss Mary Electa Hymers of Hymers, Ontario, and to them one child has been born: Jack H., whose birth occurred on the 14th of October, 1909. Mrs. McQuarrie is a woman of culture and refinement and she is promi- nent in the club and social circles of Saskatoon. In his political views Mr. McQuarrie is a Liberal and he has firm belief in the principles of that party as factors in good government. He has never sought nor desired political preferment but is essentially public-spirited and is never too busy to give his aid in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community. The religious faith of Mr. McQuarrie is that of the Presbyterian church. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and he is charter member of Prince Albert Lodge, No.3, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is likewise a char- ter member of the Knights of Pythias of Prince Albert and holds mem- bership in the Order of United Canadians. He is also an active member of the Canadian Club, the Saskatoon Club and the Saskatoon Golf Club. Bibliography follows:

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