Arthur Murray Panton, King's Counsel, is one of the prominent bar-
risters at the district and provincial bars. He is a resident of North
Battleford. Mr. Panton was born in Elmira, Ontario, on the 19th of
August, 1871, a son of Ebenezer Wilkie and Helen Emily (White) Pan-
ton, natives of Scotland. Ebenezer W. Panton was four years of age
when he came to Canada with his parents. He studied for the Presbyte-
rian ministry when a young man and held many important charges
throughout the province of Ontario. He was well beloved by all who
knew him. He died in the winter of 1913, after a life of successful
achievement. Mrs. Panton passed away in 1918.
In the pursuit of his education Arthur Murray Panton attended the
public schools of Stratford, Ontario, and subsequently entered Osgoode
Hall. He was then articled to the Hon. John Eddington, now of the Su-
preme court, and was called to the bar in 1895. He commenced practice
in Stratford and there remained until 1906, when he came west to North
Battleford, which town had been started the year previous. He has since
practiced here and his rise in the profession has been remarkable. In
1913 he was made King's Counsel and has served as city solicitor for
the past fifteen years. He has always been more or less active in military
circles. He was captain in the Twenty-eighth Battalion, Perth, prior to
coming west and in 1911 he raised C Squadron, Twenty-second Saskat-
chewan Light Horse and commanded it until after the outbreak of the
Great war. He raised and trained a squadron of Ninth Canadian Mounted
Rifles during the Great war and was given a captain's commission, but
was pronounced physically unfit for active service. He endeavored to help
his country in any way he could, however, and raised troops and money
and promoted all drives and other worthy causes. Since the war he has
received the commission of honorary lieutenant colonel for the Fourth
Battalion of North Saskatchewan Regiment.
On the 22d of January, 1901, Mr. Panton was married to Miss Con-
stance Louise McKibben and they have become the parents of three chil-
dren: Fulford, born in October, 1901, who is now with the Imperial
Bank; Douglas, born in January, 1903; and George, born in November,
1905. Mrs. Panton's parents were George and Ann (Fulford) McKib-
ben, natives of Ontario, the latter being a descendant of United Empire
Loyalist stock. Mr. McKibben was a merchant at Wingham, Ontario,
for many years. He died in Toronto. His wife is also deceased. Mr.
Panton has always given his political allegiance to the Liberal party
and he is ex-president of the Liberal Association. He is a public-spirited
citizen and is an active member of the Board of Trade, of which he was
president for some time, •and is now chairman of the transportation
committee of that body. Along strictly professional lines he is identified
with the Battleford Bar Association, of which he is chief executive. He
is a member of the Rotary Club, is a member and ex-president of the
Canadian Club, and also has membership in the North Battleford Golf
Club. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church.
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