Dr. Lorne J. D. Fasken has practiced dentistry in Regina for eighteen years and is one of the representative citizens of this community. He was born in Wellington, Ontario, in 1879, a son of John and Christina (Wilson) Fasken, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of On- tario, where they were married. The father followed agricultural pur- suits in that province and lived on one farm from 1839 until his death in 1901. He was a highly respected and esteemed citizen of the community in which he resided. To Mr. and Mrs. Fasken six children were born, Lorne J. D., being the fifth in order of birth. Throughout his life Mr. Fasken was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church and a gen- erous contributor to its support. In his political views he was a Liberal and he was active in local affairs. In the pursuit of his education Lorne J. D. Fasken attended the public schools near Guelph, Ontario, and subsequently graduated from the high school at Elora. His boyhood ambition was to enter the dental profession and upon the completion of his preliminary education he en- rolled in the Dental College at Toronto, graduating in 1905, with the D. D. S. degree. In that same year he came to Regina and has since prac- ticed here. During the eighteen years of his residence in this city Dr. Fasken has made many friends and he stands high among the represent- ative members of his profession and citizens of the province. In 1910 Dr. Fasken was married to Miss Laura Rothwell, a native of Ontario, whose parents removed to Regina in 1891. Her father was a well known educator of his day and one of the first school inspectors here, holding that position for a number of years. Prior to coming to Regina he taught school in Ontario, in the Bramford high school and in the Perth high school. Dr. and Mrs. Fasken are parents of two children: Norman Rothwell and Lorna J., both of whom are attending the local schools. Dr. Fasken is a member of the Knox Presbyterian church. Socially he is identified with the Wascana Country Club and along strictly profes- sional lines he holds membership in the local dental society and has been secretary registrar of the Saskatchewan College of Dental Surgery for fourteen years. Although the greater part of his time and attention has been devoted to his practice, Dr. Fasken has ever been cognizant of th~ duties and responsibilities, as well as the privileges of good citizenship, and he is never too busy to lend his aid in the furtherance of any move- ment for the benefit of the community. Bibliography follows:

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