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The Getting Started webpage lists many different resources specific to Saskatchewan and genealogy. The Getting Started webpage very briefly lists the key points for general province wide genealogy research in Saskatchewan and answers most Frequently Asked Questions.

The various *** Sask Gen Web regions *** provide resources, and databases for a smaller geographical community. The closer you get to your intended search area, the more likely you are to find what you need

Rootsweb Mailing List Groups are for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. There are many genealogical discussions relevant to Saskatchewan on these Rootsweb Mailing List Groups A mailing list is a grouping of people via email who are interested in the same subject ie genealogy in the various regions of Saskatchewan.

Rootsweb Posting Boards for Queries are interactive internet resources for posting queries. Your posting or query can be viewed on the board and replied to by those searching the posting boards for archived messages. Post a message or read what other's are saying.

While we can't give you all the answers, we can provide you with some
*** Saskatchewan Regional resources ***,
general provincial resources such as mailing groups and posting boards, as well as and Saskatchewan genealogy resource web sites that should answer some of your questions.

Whom should I e-mail with my question?
Go to the Saskatchewan Regional Home page closest to your locality of research.
For example, if you are seeking ancestors in Davidson, you would go to the Regina Gen Web Regional web pages, if you are seeking ancestry in Warman, you would go the Saskatoon Gen Web Regional Web pages. The regional web pages provide regional look up volunteers, information, posting boards, mailing lists, etc. The closer you get to your intended search area, the more likely you are to find what you need.

How do I know what Sask Gen Web Region my place name is located in?
Search Saskatchewan Placenames!

Extensive compilation (including place name changes) of over 3,000 Saskatchewan locations and their SGW district

Please check the Maps, and/or use the Regional Boundaries to help determine which Sask Gen Web Region to use, if you still cannot determine which region to use, please e-mail:

If you wish to volunteer or become involved, please email

If you have a question that is not answered online or if you have need for assistance further than the web pages online provide please email. It is through questions that many of the web pages have arisen as answers to Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ's. I would love to hear from you. ;-)

...........E-mail Sask Gen Web Webmaster, Julia Adamson

Comments or suggestions for Sask Gen Web Project.

saskgenweb AT yahoo.com ________________________________________________________________________________

Saskatchewan Genealogy Web : Sask Gen Web E-Magazine

Answering Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

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Please e-mail if you would like to submit a descriptive article to the Sask Gen Web E-Magazine about a genealogy hint or tip, a new web page or family tree in Saskatchewan.
The submitted article (Subject to approval) should be related to Saskatchewan or helpful to Saskatchewan genealogists and historians.


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Genealogy Queries