One of Saskatchewan's native sons is William Leslie Wallace, member
of the firm of McAra Brothers & Wallace of Regina, who was born in
Broadview, on the 29th of January, 1886. His parents were the late
George B. and Jane (Dougans) Wallace, the father a native of Nova
Scotia and the mother of Glasgow, and they were married in Regina.
George B. Wallace was the first agent at Regina for A. Harris & Sons,
implement dealers, now known as Massey Harris Company. Later he
engaged in the retail meat trade at Broadview and Moose Jaw, and sub
sequently farmed at Rocanville and Woodrow until his death in 1918.
He was always a Conservative in his political sympathies and was a
member of the Presbyterian church. His widow makes her home in
Woodrow, Saskatchewan. They were parents of two children, the sub-
ject of this review and his brother, J. S. Wallace, a farmer of Woodrow.
W. Leslie Wallace obtained his early education in his native province
and attended high school in Manitoba. His first position in the business
world was with J. R. Richardson, a financial man, in which connected
he worked in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. In 1903 he came to Regina
with the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company, remaining in its employ
for six years before he resigned to accept a position as an insurance sales-
man for McAra Brothers. He had been with this firm a year when he
was taken into partnership, the name being changed to McAra Brothers
& Wallace. The company does a large business as financial agents and
dealers in general insurance, ranking as one of the loremost firms en-
gaged in this line of work in Regina. In addition to his work in con-
nection with this concern Mr. Wallace has become interested in a num-
ber of similar enterprises in this city and is active in insurance and real
estate circles. He was the first president of the Saskatchewan Fire In-
surance Agents Association, was formerly president of the Regina Real
Estate Board and is now secretary and treasurer of the British Western
Trust Corporation. His financial interests have also brought him into
close relations with the Regina Board of Trade, of which he was presi-
dent for the year 1922-23.
In March, 1912, Mr. Wallace was married to Miss Mildred Ross, a
native of Ontario, and they have become the parents of three children, all
of whom are attending school: Jack, Jean and George. A member of
the Westminster Presbyterian church, Mr. Wallace has been a member
of its board ever since the church was founded. He represents his busi-
ness in the Kiwanis Club and socially is identified with the Assiniboia
and Wascana Country Clubs.
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