The medical profession of Canada numbers among her foremost rep~
resentatives Dr. Harold Gordon Craig, surgeon and Radiologist, with offices
in Davidson. He was born at Bristol, Quebec, on the 27th of March, 1880,
a son of Rev. David James and May (Workman) Craig, both of whom
are living. The father is a prominent Presbyterian evangelist and in
his work tours the Dominion from coast to coast.
Dr. Craig received his public and high school education in Ottawa and
was graduated from Queen's University in 1906. During that year and
1907 he was house surgeon in the Ottawa General Hospital and gained
valuable experience while there. In the fall of 1907 he went to Regina,
where he resided until the spring of 1908, when he came to Davidson and
has since resided here, having built up an extensive surgical practice.
He has all of the most up~to-date equipment known to the profession
and is rendering humanity daily service. His practice is indeed
extensive and takes in a large area. Davidson is about midway
between Saskatoon and Regina, and~he is the only surgeon and Radiologist
between those two cities.
Dr. Craig has had quite a career as a soldier. He served in the Great
war from 1916 to 1919, with the Eighth Saskatchewan Stationary Hos-
pital Unit, and in 1902 he served in Africa for a few months with the
Sixth Canadian Mounted Rifles.
In October of the year 1909 Dr. Craig was married to Miss Mabel
Frances Keeler, who has passed away. Fraternally he is identified with
the Masons and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His religious
faith is that of the Presbyterian church. Dr. Craig stands high in his
profession throughout the Dominion. He is widely known for his surgical
and clinical work and Davidson is indeed proud to number him among
her representative citizens. He is a postgraduate of the Chicago Post
Graduate School and the Chicago Polyclinic, and was one of the first doc-
tors in the province to build up an extensive surgical practice in a small
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