William J. McCauley is the second of the three McCauley brothers,
James, William J. and George, who are conductors on the Canadian Pa-
cific Railway and make their home in Moose Jaw. He was born in Jarvis,
Ontario, on April 19, 1873, the son of Alex and Alice (Woolman) Mc-
Cauley, who are mentioned at length elsewhere in this work in connection
with the account of their son, James McCauley.
After obtaining an education in Simcoe, Norfolk county, Ontario, Wil-
liam J. McCauley went to work in the stave mills of Lambton county,
where he was employed for a period of six years. His first experience in
the railroad business was as a switchman for the Grand Trunk Railway,
and he remained with that company for three years, following which
he came out to Moose Jaw in 1896 and secured a position as brakesman
on the Canadian Pacific line. In February, 1899, he was promoted to the
position of conductor on a freight train and after six years of experience
in this capacity became a regular passenger conductor. He is now serving
his twentieth year as a passenger conductor out of Moose Jaw, which
is convincing evidence that he has discharged his duties with satisfaction
to the officials of his company.
In the year that he was made a freight conductor (1899), Mr. Mc-
Cauley was married to Miss Julia Colenutt, daughter of Charles Colenutt,
one of the early farmers of Saskatchewan. Mrs. McCauley was born
in Essex county, Ontario, and educated at Parkbeg, Saskatchewan. Mr.
and Mrs. McCauley have four children: Charles William, who is engaged
in the auto livery business in Moose Jaw; Howard Alex, who is studying
chartered accountancy; and Hazel and Norman, both of whom are still
in school. The family belong to the Methodist church. Mr. McCauley is
a thirty-second degree Mason, past master of his lodge, past prince of
his chapter, past patron and present grand patron of the Order of the
Eastern Star. Mrs. McCauley also belongs to the Eastern Star and is
past matron of her lodge, and a past grand matron. For many years Mr.
McCauley has belonged to the Order of Railway Conductors, in which
he has been active, formerly serving as presiding officer in the Moose
Jaw organization. Outside of his regular work he devotes his leisure
time to his lodges and his family, taking no part in public affairs other
than fulfilling his obligations as a citizen, for he feels that the responsi-
bilities of his position require the best of his powers and energy.
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