Francis G. Wheat, barrister and solicitor, has practiced in Maple
Creek since 1914, and his work in the profession has been marked by an
earnestness and a thoroughness which have won him continued advance-
ent. He was born in England, on the 6th of December, 1880, a son of
Rev. James M. and Emma (Stevens) Wheat, who spent their lives in
England, where the father was active in the ministry for years.
The public schools of his native country afforded Francis G. Wheat
literary education. In 1904 he came to Canada and located in Winni-
peg, where for two years he worked in various grain offices. He came
west in 1908 and settled in Regina, where he was articled in law to Jones
& Gordon, a prominent law firm of that city. He was admitted to the
Saskatchewan Law Society on the 20th of December, 1913, and the fol-
lowing year came to Maple Creek, where he engaged in the practice of
his profession with a Mr. Bryan, the firm name becoming Bryan & Wheat,
and that association was maintained until 1917, since which time Mr.
Wheat has practiced independently. Mr. Wheat handles much important
litigation before the courts, his practice has constantly grown in volume
and importance, and he occupies a position among the foremost members
of the provincial bar.
In 1911 Mr. Wheat was married to Miss Lillian Rose Gordon, the
ceremony being performed in Regina. They have become parents of
two children: Gordon and James. Mr. and Mrs. Wheat are active mem-
bers of the English church. Mr. Wheat is public-spirited, is cognizant
of the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship, and his coopera-
tion can always be counted upon in the furtherance of any movement
for the benefit of the community. Since coming to Maple Creek Mr.
Wheat has made many friends and he is held in high confidence and
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