Saskatchewan And Its People 1924

SurnameGiven nameOn the Biographical Webpage of:
Fader Priscilla Mark J. Scott
Fairall Sarah Fanny George Lionel Hopkins
Fairchild J. Fanny Arthur Ernest Cook
Faithfull John E. John E. Faithfull
Faithfull Mabel John E. Faithfull
Faithfull Ruby John E. Faithfull
Faithfull Susan John E. Faithfull
Faithfull Una John E. Faithfull
Faithfull William John E. Faithfull
Falls Hazel A. John M. Varey
Falls William H. John M. Varey
Farr Louisa Orville F. Seeber
Farrell Alexander Gray Alexander Gray Farrell, M.D.
Farrell Conway Macalister Gray Alexander Gray Farrell, M.D.
Farrell Elizabeth Isobel Alexander Gray Farrell, M.D.
Farrell Isabella Alexander Gray Farrell, M.D.
Farrell Isobel Alexander Gray Farrell, M.D.
Farrell James Wardrope Dick Alexander Gray Farrell, M.D.
Farrell James William Alexander Gray Farrell, M.D.
Fasken Christina Lorne J.D. Fasken
Fasken John Lorne J.D. Fasken
Fasken Laura Lorne J.D. Fasken
Fasken Lorna J. Lorne J.D. Fasken
Fasken Lorne J.D. Lorne J.D. Fasken
Fasken Norman Rothwell Lorne J.D. Fasken
Faulkner Mary Revis Carroll
Faulkner Ellen Gilbert W. Faulkner
Faulkner Francis D. Gilbert W. Faulkner
Faulkner Gilbert W. Gilbert W. Faulkner
Fawcett Ann John Henry Ballantyne
Fawcett Mary Jane Campbell David D.
Fawcett S.E. William L. McQuarrie
Fegg Edith Harold Egbert Alexander, M.D.
Fegg Lodina Harold Egbert Alexander, M.D.
Fegg W.T. Harold Egbert Alexander, M.D.
Fennell Elsie Margaret Thomas D. Ross
Fennell Elsie Margaret Thomas M. Molloy
Fennell Hugh Thomas D. Ross
Fennell Hugh Thomas M. Molloy
Ferguson Alexander George Alexander Ferguson
Ferguson Alexander Hugh Charles McArthur, M.D.
Ferguson Daniel John Ferguson
Ferguson Duncan James Duncan James Ferguson,D.D.S.
Ferguson G.A. William Bowley Hartie
Ferguson George Alexander George Alexander Ferguson
Ferguson Isabella E. John Ferguson
Ferguson J.D. Frederick F. MacDermid
Ferguson J.D. George Alexander Ferguson
Ferguson Jennie Duncan James Ferguson,D.D.S.
Ferguson Jennie Victor J. Ferguson
Ferguson John John Ferguson
Ferguson Lillian John Ferguson
Ferguson Margaret John Ferguson
Ferguson Margaret Victor J. Ferguson
Ferguson Mary George Alexander Ferguson
Ferguson Tom Victor J. Ferguson
Ferguson Victor J. Victor J. Ferguson
Ferguson Victor J. Walter Harold Briggs
Ferguson William Duncan James Ferguson,D.D.S.
Fernie Jeanette James E. Peaker
Fielding Catherine A.W.A. Corscadden A.W.A. Corscadden
Finch Sarah E. Edward A. Jolly
Finlayson Florence Roderick A. Ross, D.D.S.
Finley Elizabeth Ernest Edward Poole
Finley Hans Ernest Edward Poole
Finley James Ernest Edward Poole
Finley Jane Ernest Edward Poole
Fish, K.C. J.N. Henry J. Foik
Fisher Jessie Thomas Bradford
Fisher Mr. Robert Leith Hanbidge
Fisher Ruby David Barnes, D.D.S.
Fisken Barbara Peter McAra
Fitzsimmons Rebecca Duncan J. Rose
Fleming Harry Raymond Harry Raymond Fleming, M.D.
Fleming Rachael Harry Raymond Fleming, M.D.
Fleming William Harry Raymond Fleming, M.D.
Fletcher Mabel M. Ernest A. Clark
Fletcher Marie Louise Gustave Fournier
Fletcher Thomas Gustave Fournier
Flood Irene Edmund E. Murphy
Flood Jane William H. Flood
Flood Margaret William H. Flood
Flood Margaret Ann William H. Flood
Flood Phyllis William H. Flood
Flood William William H. Flood
Flood William H. William H. Flood
Florence Annie Percy M. Florence
Florence Donald Eugene Percy M. Florence
Florence Emma Percy M. Florence
Florence Glen Allister Percy M. Florence
Florence Gordon Albert Percy M. Florence
Florence Harold Percy Percy M. Florence
Florence Kenneth Percy M. Florence
Florence Merle Douglas Percy M. Florence
Florence P.M. James Harvey Turnbull
Florence Percy M. Percy M. Florence
Florence Peter Percy M. Florence
Fogarty Rebecca Michael J. McGrath
Foik Annie Henry J. Foik
Foik H.J. Henry J. Foik
Foik Henry Henry J. Foik
Foik Johanna Henry J. Foik
Foik John Henry J. Foik
Forbes Hanna Dr. A.F. Laird M.D.
Force Mary Ann Edward A. Shaw, M.D.
Ford Margaret Mathew M. Morrison
Forrester Laura J. Davis Scott Walker
Forsyth Catherine Stewart John F. MacKenzie, "Jack"
Forsyth Earl George Forsyth
Forsyth Eliza George Forsyth
Forsyth Fanny George Forsyth
Forsyth George George Forsyth
Forsyth Gladys Peter Allan Forsyth
Forsyth Harry Peter Allan Forsyth
Forsyth Jessie Peter Allan Forsyth
Forsyth John Peter Allan Forsyth
Forsyth Margaret George Forsyth
Forsyth Margaret, Jr. George Forsyth
Forsyth Peter Allan Peter Allan Forsyth
Forsyth Peter Allan Jr. Peter Allan Forsyth
Forsyth Sophie Peter Allan Forsyth
Forsyth William George Forsyth
Fortescue J.P. Frank G. Lewin
Fortescue Mollie Frank G. Lewin
Foster Elizabeth Henry McGowan
Fothergill Mary John William Redgwick
Fournier Arthur Gustave Fournier
Fournier Caroline Gustave Fournier
Fournier E. N., Dr. Gustave Fournier
Fournier Eugene Napoleon Gustave Fournier
Fournier Gustave Gustave Fournier
Fournier Louis Henri Gustave Fournier
Fournier Marie Louise Gustave Fournier
Fournier Noemi Gustave Fournier
Fournier Osine Gustave Fournier
Fournier Sarah, Miss Gustave Fournier
Fournier Sarah, Mrs. Gustave Fournier
Fournier Tancrede Gustave Fournier
Fowlie Allan John S. Fowlie
Fowlie Donald Elliott John S. Fowlie
Fowlie Ellen John S. Fowlie
Fowlie Gordon John S. Fowlie
Fowlie John S. John S. Fowlie
Fowlie Kenneth John S. Fowlie
Fowlie Margaret John S. Fowlie
Fowlie Peter Joseph John S. Fowlie
Fowlie William John S. Fowlie
Fowlie William John John S. Fowlie
Fox Sarah Samuel Barraclough
Frader Sophia Mark J. Scott
Frame Arthur Joseph Emile Lussier
Francis George Allan W.R. Francis
Francis Isabella W.R. Francis
Francis Jean W.R. Francis
Francis Marjorie W.R. Francis
Francis Ruth W.R. Francis
Francis W.R. W.R. Francis
Fraser Ann Alex Shepphard
Fraser Edna Alfred John Wickens
Fraser Ethel John Ogilvie Hettle
Fraser Gregor John Ogilvie Hettle
Fraser Isabella Alexander Donald MacIntosh
Fraser Kate Samuel H. Christie
Fraser Leda A.B. Allard
Fraser Margaret A. Mark C. Hamilton
Fraser Peter, Mrs. The Venerable Edwin H. Knowles
Fraser White Robert Sinton
Freeborn Ellen George Braden
Freeman Campbell Charles H. Freeman, M.D.
Freeman Charles H. Charles H. Freeman, M.D.
Freeman Edith Charles H. Freeman, M.D.
Freeman Ira Charles H. Freeman, M.D.
Freeman Mary Charles H. Freeman, M.D.
Freeman Mary Charles H. Freeman, M.D.
French Mary Elizabeth Thomas Edwin Perrett (Colonel Perrett.)
Fried Gertrude Mae Frederick George England
Froom Adelaide Ambrose C. Froom
Froom Albert Ambrose C. Froom
Froom Ambrose C. Ambrose C. Froom
Froom Anna Ambrose C. Froom
Froom Foster Ambrose C. Froom
Froom Minor Ambrose C. Froom
Froste Mabel J. James Edward Armstrong
Fulford Ann Arthur Murray Panton, K.C.
Fuller Mary Thomas M. Ball
Fulton Catherine Arthur S. Gorrell, M.D.
Fyffy Islay William W. Smith
Fysh Charles R. Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Clifford Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Earl Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Eliza Ann Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Ethel Florence Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Grace Margeurite Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Grace Theresa Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Henry Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Leonard Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Olive Beatrice Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Oswald Baynes Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Oswald Baynes, Sr. Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Reginald Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Roy E. Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr
Fysh Russell Oswald Baynes Fysh Sr

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