Mark C. Hamilton, funeral director, is one of the energetic citizens and foresighted business men of Prince Albert. He was born in Mil- verton, Ontario, in November, 1866, a son of Henry and Mary Jane (Cardiff) Hamilton, natives of the province of Ontario. The father en- gaged in agricultural pursuits in Ontario throughout his life and achieved substantial success in that connection. He was a man of sterling personal worth, who always maintained an active interest in any movement for the development and improvement of the community, and he was respected by all who knew him. His death occurred in December, 1922, but Mrs. Hamilton passed away in March of the year 1913. In the pursuit of his education Mark C. Hamilton attended the rural schools of Huron county, Ontario, and subsequently was graduated from high school. He remained under the parental roof until 1887, when he went to Manitoba and took up a homestead, which he operated success- fully until 1895. He then became associated with the Massey-Harris Company, a machine concern, at Gladstone, Manitoba, and later went to Indian Head for the firm, subsequently traveling out of Saskatoon for them until 1909. In 1910 Mr. Hamilton went to Vancouver, where he resided until 1913, when he went back to Saskatoon and engaged in the machine business until 1919, in which year he came to Prince Albert and established undertaking parlors. He is the only funeral director in Prince Albert. On the 2d of January, 1889, Mr. Hamilton was married to Miss Mar- garet A. Fraser, and they have one son, William Stewart. In his po1itical views Mr. Hamilton is a Conservative and he is actively interested in civic and national affairs, being well informed on all important ques- tions and issues of the day. While residing in Indian Head he served on the town council and on the school board. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Masons and the Orange Lodge. His religious faith is indicated in his attendance at the Presbyte- rian church. He is a member of the Saskatchewan Funeral Directors & Embalmers, Association, of which he was elected vice president in July, 1923. Bibliography follows:

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