Dr. Harry Raymond Fleming is the third generation of his family
in Canada and is numbered among the foremost members of the medical
profession in Humboldt, the district, and province. He was born in
the province of Ontario, on the 24th of October, 1895, a son of William
and Rachael (Gibson) Fleming. Mr. Flming has been actively identified
with the business interests of Kingston, Ontario, for many years and is
a highly respected and esteemed citizen of that community.
The public schools of his native province afforded Harry Raymond
Fleming his early education and after graduation from high school he
enrolled in Queen's University. He was graduated from that institu-
tion with the B. A. degree in 1915 and the following year the Master's
degree was conferred upon him, and he received his M. D. degree in 1921.
Prior to devoting his time to the practice of medicine he engaged in teach-
ing school. He taught in Ontario until 1912 and then engaged in educa-
tional work in Saskatchewan until 1921, and was principal of the Hum-
boldt schools from the fall of 1917 to the spring of 1918. Since 1921
he has given up educational work and concentrates his attention upon
his many professional duties. He is now district deputy of the Knights
of Columbus for Northern Saskatchewan. In the practice of his profes-
sion the Doctor has met with deserved success and he has high standing
among the foremost physicians in the district and province.
Dr. Fleming is a consistent communicant of the Catholic church. He
is an active member of the Knights of Columbus and of the Board of
Trade. A public-spirited citizen, he has ever taken a helpful part in
the healthful growth and advancement of his home town. He is a man
of genial and pleasing personality and his friends are legion. He is un-
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