John Ferguson, manager of the Beaver Lumber Company of Wolseley,
is a member of one of the pioneer families of this district. He was born
in Scotland, in the 22d of August, 1871, a son of Daniel and Margaret
(Campbell) Ferguson, likewise natives of that country. Mr. and Mrs.
Ferguson came to Canada with their family in 1883 and immediately
came on west from Winnipeg. They homesteaded a tract of land near
Wolseley and since that time the father has engaged in general farming,
in which he has achieved substantial success and is one of the prominent
citizens of the community in which he resides. Mrs. Ferguson has passed
away. To Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson eleven children were born, eight of
whom are living, four sons and four daughters.
John Ferguson was but twelve years of age when he came to Canada
with his parents and his life since that date has been spent in the Wolse-
ley district. He was reared on the home farm and received his limited
education in the log schoolhouses in the vicinity of the farm. For eight-
een years of his life Mr. Ferguson was engaged in contracting and build-
ing and since 1911 he has been the Wolseley manager for the Beaver
Lumber Company. There is no phase of the business with which Mr.
Ferguson is not thoroughly familiar and he is satisfactorily discharging
the many duties devolving upon him.
In 1901 Mr. Ferguson was married to Miss Isabella E. Schoales, a
native of Ontario. To them one child has been born: Lillian, who has
passed away. Mrs. Ferguson is active in the club and social circles of
Wolseley. Since attaining his majority Mr. Ferguson has given his
political allegiance to the Liberal party, having firm belief in the prin-
ciples of that party as factors in good government. For seven years he
has been a member of the town council and has been a dominant factor in
the furtherance of many movements for the benefit of the community at
large. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows and his religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. Mr.
Ferguson is a business man of ability and keen discrimination and he
enjoys the confidence and esteem of all with whom he comes into contact,
both in a social and business way.
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