Thomas D. Ross, manager of collections for the International Har-
vester Company in Yorkton, is one of this city's enterprising business
men. He was born in the province of Ontario on the 1st of August,
1879, a son of Donald and Mary Jane (Urquhart) Ross, both natives of
that province. For many years the father engaged in agricultural pur-
suits in Ontario and his death occurred there. His widow survives him
and is living in her native province.
The public and high schools of Ontario afforded Thomas D. Ross his
early education and in March, 1902, he located in Regina and accepted
a position as bookkeeper, remaining there until 1903. From 1903 to
1906 he was in Vancouver, British Columbia, as a bookkeeper, returning
to Regina in 1906. He accepted a position there as a bookkeeper with
the International Harvester Company and in 1913 he was sent to Wey-
burn, Saskatchewan, in charge of the collections, and he remained there
until 1917, in which year he came to Yorkton. He has since had charge
of the collections here and has been a dominant factor in the continued
success of the branch office of Yorkton. In 1923 Mr. Ross was elected
president of the local Board of Trade.
In 1904 Mr. Ross was married to Miss Minnie Clark, a native of On-
tario, the ceremony being performed in Vancouver, British Columbia.
To Mr. and Mrs. Ross six children have been born: Gene, Kenneth, Clark,
Evelyn, Harold and Marguerite. Fraternally Mr. Ross is identified with
the Masons. Mr. Ross is held in favorable regard in this community
both as a business man and private citizen, always having manifested
those qualities which commend him to the confidence and esteem of all
who have dealings with him.
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