One of the progressive younger business men of Regina who is forging
steadily ahead in the financial world, is Edmund E. Murphy, manager of
the Saskatchewan General Trust Company, with head office at Regina-
a Saskatchewan company financed by Saskatchewan people. The son of
James A. and Elizabeth (Campbell) Murphy, he was born on the 28th of
November, 1883, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where his father was engaged
in business for a number of years. He comes from Irish Canadian stock,
his father having been a native of Ireland and his mother a Canadian by
birth. The parents were married in Canada and had a family of three
children, of whom the subject of this review is the youngest.
After obtaining a general education in the public and high schools of
Hamilton, Ontario, Edmund E. Murphy began to learn the banking busi-
ness as an employe in a private bank. Later he became connected with
the Eastern Township Bank and had his first experience as manager of a
branch bank at Stanstead, Quebec. From there he went to Winnipeg to
work in the office of the bank in that city, where after a few years in the
service of the Eastern Township Bank, he associated himself with the
Imperial Canadian Trust Company, remaining in the Winnipeg organiza-
tion of this company for four years. He was transferred, eventually, to
Saskatoon as estates manager and accountant in that branch of the con-
Icern. It was in 1916 that Mr. Murphy came to Regina as manager for
the Saskatchewan General Trust Corporation, Limited-his present posi-
tion. He is thoroughly conversant with every phase of the trust business
and in the past few years has greatly extended the activities of the cor-
poration he represents.
In 1918 Mr. Murphy was united in marriage to Irene Flood, who was
born and educated in Ontario, and they have become the parents of a
daughter: Mary Jane. Mr. Murphy belongs to the Presbyterian church,
in which he was reared by his parents, who were both members of that
denomination. His fraternal connection is with the Masonic order, in
which he is identified with the blue lodge and the Royal Arch chapter of
the York Rite. He is a Rotarian and a member of the council of the Re-
gina Board of Trade, while his clubs are the Assiniboia and the Wascana
Country Clubs, being a director of both of these clubs. He is fond of the
water and boating, and during his residence in Winnipeg belonged to the
Winnipeg Rowing Club for a number of years. His favorite recreation
is golf. An enthusiastic supporter of Regina and the Canadian west, he
recognizes their wonderful resources and possibilities and is striving to
make his efforts an element in contributing to the advancement of this re-
gion. Coming to the west full of ambition and with the willingness to devote
himself unremittingly to his business affairs if need be, he has worked
his way steadily upward and is now accounted one of the leading business
men of his adopted city.
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